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Further information

Increased cycling and walking can provide many benefits such as:

  • Improving air quality
  • Reducing congestion
  • Addressing inequalities
  • Improving physical and mental health
  • Mitigating climate change

A Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) identifies and prioritises the improvements we can make to the cycling and walking network. These improvements encourage people to choose active travel. This is because they make cycling and walking more attractive, safe and convenient.

Why we created LCWIPs for Norfolk

  • The Department for Transport encourages LCWIPs
  • They meet the ambitions of the Government's Gear Change vision
  • They support applications for active travel funding. LCWIPs  provide evidence that demonstrates why improvement schemes are beneficial and required
  • Some funding providers prioritise schemes that have the support of a cycling and walking infrastructure plan


Cycling and walking plans are primarily funded by the Department for Transport. They award funding for active travel schemes and the development of the cycling and walking plans. 

Examples of these funding sources include:

  • Active Travel Fund
  • Capability Fund

Both have provided funding to develop cycling and walking plans in Norfolk.

Prioritisation and timescales

LCWIPs identify active travel infrastructure schemes and prioritise them by assessing their:

  • Effectiveness
  • Policy alignment
  • Cost
  • Deliverability

A key element of scheme prioritisation is public consultation and engagement with:

  • Delivery partners
  • Local organisations
  • The general public

The delivery of priority schemes will be over the short, medium and long term. Priority schemes get put forward for funding opportunities as and when they arise. 

We have already implemented some schemes or put them forward for funding and final consultation.

Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan design standards

The published LCWIPs follow the guidance outlined in the Department for Transport's:

  • Gear Change document
  • Cycle Infrastructure Design guidelines (LTN 1/20)

These guidelines help local authorities deliver improvements to active travel networks. They represent the essential requirements for enabling more people to travel by cycle, on foot or using a wheelchair or mobility aid. They are based on best practice both internationally and across the UK.

The design principles centre around creating active travel networks that are:

  • Coherent
  • Direct
  • Safe
  • Comfortable
  • Attractive

Download 'Gear Change - a bold vision for cycling and walking' from the GOV.UK website.

Download the 'Cycle Infrastructure Design Guidance - Local Transport Note 1/20' from the GOV.UK website.

Other schemes to encourage cycling and walking

Alongside the cycling and walking network plans, we are developing a variety of active travel network support schemes. These will help and encourage people to use the active travel network. 

Examples include:

  • Cycle parking facilities
  • Cycle, e-bike and e-scooter hire schemes
  • Wayfinding signs
  • Journey planning mobile applications
  • Cycle training
  • Walking and cycling incentives

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