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Flourish survey 2024

Helping Norfolk's children and young people to feel understood.

Child using a laptop and holding a pen

The Flourish survey 2024 is now closed. Thank you to all schools that took part.

What happens now

The completed surveys are now being collated. We will share the results with:

  • Schools
  • Public Health colleagues
  • The Children and Young People's Strategic Alliance (CYPSA)

Schools will receive their own individual results tables and reports by the autumn term at the latest.

The reports will:

  • Show their children and young people's responses to each question
  • Compare the school's data with the wider area
  • Provide spine charts showing significant differences across the county
  • This will enable the school to identify areas they wish to focus on in their follow-up actions

Norfolk County Council (NCC) will also receive a report containing the survey results and a commentary from SHEU (The Schools and Students Health and Education Unit).

NCC will analyse the results at a county and district level to:

  • Compare Norfolk's results with those from other local authorities
  • Compare with the 2017 results - the last time a major SHEU survey was undertaken


Public Health developed the Flourish survey 2024 in partnership with the Children and Young People Strategic Alliance (CYPSA). The Schools and Students Health and Education Unit (SHEU) carried out the survey.

The survey was for all children aged eight-years-old and above in school or college. It involved multiple-choice questions covering the eight Flourish areas.

The purpose of the survey is to help understand:

  • How children and young people feel about important areas of their lives
  • What support children and young people receive
  • The decisions children and young people make about their lives, health and wellbeing

From the survey results we will be able to:

  • See the difference seven years have made to young people's perceptions
  • Consider the effect of the pandemic
  • Look at new areas of interest, such as vaping

The survey will help us to plan and deliver Public Health services across Norfolk and, by partnering with CYPSA, it can also inform the development of strategies and services across a wide range of partners.

For the children and young people who took part in the 2024 survey, the benefits include:

  • Having an opportunity to take part in active citizenship
  • Having a positive influence on their school and wider community
  • Having their needs listened to and understood by the adults supporting them

For schools, the results of the survey will:

  • Provide an indication of pupil wellbeing
  • Empower schools to meet pupils' needs and aspirations
  • Provide evidence for OFSTED and governing bodies around personal development, behaviour and welfare
  • Help assess staff training needs
  • Help schools make curriculum decisions based on gaps in the current offer
  • Help form a starting point for wider discussions with governors and school communities

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