Groups we work with

Carers Voice

Carers Voice is an independent charity representing carers in Norfolk and Waveney.

Through partnership working, it ensures everyone listens to the views of carers. This enables the design and delivery of services that reflect carers' needs and interests.

Co-production with carers occurs in every project undertaken by Carers Voice.

The charity is also an integral part of the co-production process within Norfolk and Waveney's Integrated Care System. It provides guidance on areas of strategic change that will support carers' wellbeing.

Carers Voice ambassadors consist of:

  • People with live experience of caring
  • Members of Carers Voice
  • Contributors to the development and design of services used by carers within health and social care

It holds quarterly Carer Involvement Meetings in five areas across Norfolk and Waveney.

For more information, visit the Carers Voice website

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