Executive committee

The Norfolk Arts Forum Executive Committee is accountable to the Arts Forum conference.

Issues arising at the Arts Forum conferences will be taken to the next meeting of the Executive Committee for further discussion and action.

Progress on action will be reported back to the annual Arts Forum conference.


The Chairman of the Executive Committee is the County Council Communities Committee Member.

The Vice Chairman will be elected at the first meeting of the Executive Committee.

Two representatives of each District Council, one member and one officer The other County Council representatives on the Forum, the Head of Museums and Head of Arts, the Arts Officer and Arts Support Officer. Ten independent arts representatives to be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Forum, of which three will be independent arts practitioners.

A representative of Arts Council England, East, normally the officer with responsibility for Norfolk


Elections of the independent arts representatives for the Executive Committee shall be carried on a simple majority vote of the independent arts sector present at the Annual General Meeting of the annual Arts Forum conference.

In the event of a vote at the Executive Committee, each local authority will have one vote, Arts Council England, East one vote, and independent arts representatives, one each.

The local authority votes will be made by elected members. In the event that elected members are not present at meetings, officers will vote on their behalf The Steering Committee can co-opt up to three people.

Appointments of co-opted members for full committee members should be made and reviewed annually, at the first meeting of the Executive Committee following the main Forum Annual General Meeting.

The Executive Committee can co-opt up to three advisors (non-voting) at any Executive Committee meeting.

Advisors will be invited to attend specific meetings, where their expertise will be required Frequency of meetings.

Executive committee

The Executive committee will normally meet twice a year.

Extra meetings can be called at the discretion of the Chairman to discuss specific issues Subgroups will be established as required to take forward specific initiatives.

Minutes of each meeting of the Executive Committee will be kept and confirmed at the next meeting and signed by the Chairman of that meeting.

To be quorate, at least three local authority and three independent arts representatives must be present at an Executive Committee meeting. Constitution Amendments to this Constitution will be approved by the Executive Committee and then endorsed by a majority vote at an Arts Forum conference.

The Executive Committee will be administered by Norfolk County Council.

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