Webpages in the Road safety in Norfolk section
Safe school run pledge

The safe school run pledge is for primary schools, secondary schools and colleges.
It promotes a healthier, safer, and more sustainable school gate environment. This is by encouraging responsible parking and active travel.
We have developed the resources with support from:
- Norfolk Constabulary
- Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service
- East Anglian Ambulance Service
The safe school run pledge resources support parents/carers and young drivers to:
- Pledge to park safely
- Improve road safety attitudes
- Improve behaviours across their school environment
They are free and flexible to use.
Our resources encourage parents/carers, families and young drivers to:
- Choose cycling, scooting, walking and wheeling where possible. These travel options are safer, more relaxing and can be a quicker way to get to school or college.
- Improve air quality by turning engines off or parking further away from the school or college gate
These small changes can:
- Improve air quality at the school or college gate
- Reduce traffic congestion around the school or college
- Promote a healthier lifestyle
- Set a positive example for others to make the school or college run safer and more enjoyable
Young people learn behaviours from those around them. By signing the safe school run pledge, your school or college can move towards cleaner air, healthier travel choices and a safer environment.
The safe school run pledge resource is free.
How to book
Contact us to request a safe school run pledge resources pack.
Logos related to the Safe school run pledge