Webpages in the Road safety in Norfolk section
Speeding complaints process (Reviewed 2019)
If complaints about excess speed are received by the Council we will take initial responsibility for them and will liaise with other partners to achieve a proportionate solution where possible.
When either the police or the Council receive a complaint in relation to excess speed at a particular location, it will be acknowledged and considered. The accident database for the site and surrounding area will be searched and further information gleaned by the use of data gathering equipment and/or site visits maybe undertaken. Where there is a demonstrable accident record, a study by the Highways Network Safety Team may be appropriate to determine if any improvements to the road layout are feasible and the Police may conduct speed checks.
In all cases where further investigation is required, the complainant will be kept informed of our activities and findings.
Roles and responsibilities
Speed management is shared between the County Council, as Highways Authority, and the police, who are responsible for enforcement. In order to provide a fully coordinated approach to managing speeding by motorists, the County Council has adopted a Speed Management Strategy which has been developed in partnership with the police. Read the speed management strategy. (PDF, 3 MB)
The County Council sets speed limits in accordance with the member-approved strategy, which is based on the guidance issued by the Department for Transport (DfT) and will consider any requests for new speed limits by applying the criteria set out in strategy. We also carry out on-going monitoring of road casualties, and if these indicate there are speed-related factors at a particular location, we may consider changes to the current limits.
In general, the existing speed limits in Norfolk are considered to have served us well over a long period of monitoring and review, and there are therefore no current plans to make wide-ranging changes. We are, however, continuing to develop proposals for a pilot of rural zonal 40mph speed restrictions, in response to the invitation from the DfT in 2013. We also work closely with the police to develop road safety interventions, under the Norfolk Road Safety Partnership, and the Safety Camera Partnership.
Further information about the Speed Management Strategy, Road Safety and Safety Camera Partnerships can be provided by the Highways Network Safety Team.