Person-centred reviews

Person-centred reviews (PCRS) are very successful in supporting person-centred planning around a child or young person who has a special educational need or disability (SEND). This is because they share these core ideas:

  • Everyone has the right to be involved in decision-making processes that affect his/her life
  • Everyone has the strength, ability and insight to make significant contributions to these decision-making processes
  • Collaborative and co-produced action plans are more likely to be relevant, realistic and targeted. This leads to the best outcomes for the child or young person

PCRs are a family-friendly and effective way of bringing everyone together to identify needs and develop an action plan for a child or young person with SEND. 

The PCR provides good evidence of a graduated response to a child or young person's needs, as it demonstrates the 'assess, plan, do, review' process.

What is a person-centred review (PCR)?

A PCR brings people together to develop an action plan for a 'focus person'. At the PCR:

  • A professional external to the setting, will facilitate the PCR
  • The focus person is directly involved in making decisions about their life
  • The focus person is supported to reach their aspirations by supporters. For example, parents, an advocate, a teacher
  • The focus person's own skills, values and choices are central and they have a sense of ownership and independence
  • The meeting is inclusive. It is jargon-free with visual and interactive preparation activities, and choice of recording methods such as writing or drawing
  • Power is shifted from professionals and services to the focus person

What will happen before my child's PCR?

  1. A convenient time and date for the meeting will be identified
  2. You will be sent resources that will help you and your child prepare for the PCR
  3. A PCR champion will be identified. This is to ensure that your child is prepared for and supported throughout the PCR process. This usually includes gathering their views before the PCR meeting

Can I do anything to prepare my child?

  1. Use the resources we send you to prepare yourself and your child for the PCR
  2. If you have a young child, watch this short PCR preparation film

What will happen after my child's PCR?

  • The facilitator will take photos of the completed activities and collate this onto a child-friendly report
  • This report will be distributed to those who attended and to those who it was agreed could also be sent a copy
  • Agreed actions should be completed by those named as agreed. A review should take place at the time and date stipulated on the action plan

How can I find out more?

Talk to your child's setting about how they are making use of PCRs and how they plan to develop them as part of their practice. 

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