Special education provision we expect from places of learning
Physical and/or sensory needs
Some children and young people need special educational provision because they have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities generally provided.
These difficulties can be age-related and may fluctuate over time. They include:
- Vision impairment (VI)
- Deafness
- Multi-sensory impairment (MSI)
- Physical needs including co-ordination difficulties
They will need specialist support and/or equipment to access their learning, or habilitation (such as mobility and independent living skills) support.
Our full Provision Expected at SEN Support (PEaSS) guidance describes the specific difficulties and learning profiles a child might have.
It describes what the whole school or setting can do to support children. It also describes the approaches a classroom teacher can use and the strategies a SENDCo can use. These can include:
- Checking whether children have equal access to curriculum, premises, information, and assessment
- Ensuring arrangements are in place for regular monitoring and checking of specialist equipment
- Allowing extra time to complete tasks and be aware of the fatigue children may experience due to the effort they have to put in
- Agreeing a private signal a child can use to show they have not understood
- Regular personalised/small group learning to target identified areas of need
- Monitoring social and emotional wellbeing and inclusion
- Identifying appropriate differentiation or modifications to:
- The curriculum
- The environment and assessment
- Exam materials and recording of answers
Read the full PEaSS guidance document to find a full list of the different aspects of Social Communication and Interaction. It also contains the suggested approaches for support in the classroom, school, and for the SENDCo.
You can access the guidance document on the Schools and Learning Providers website.