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Health services for children and young people with SEND

Speech and language therapy services

Speech and language therapy services for children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)

Neurodevelopmental services

Services for children and young people who might have conditions like Autism, ADHD or Dyspraxia

Mental health services

Mental health services and resources for children and young people

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy services for children and young people with physical difficulties


Audiology services deal with hearing and balance problems and associate disorders

Continence services

Help children, young people and adults who have bladder and/or bowel issues

Diabetes services

Provide assessment, support and reviews for people diagnosed with diabetes

Feeding and dietetics services

Feeding and dietetics services for children and young adults


Physiotherapy services for children and young people with physical difficulties

Wheelchair service

Services to assess and provide different types of wheelchairs and specialist buggies

Continuing care for children and young people

Support if healthcare needs cannot be met by existing universal or specialist services

Continuing healthcare for adults

A package of health and social care services that is available for eligible adults

Community nursing

The community nursing team will care for a child or adult in a community setting

Community paediatrics

Paediatricians will review children with developmental problems, behaviour concerns and long-term disabilities

Transforming care navigators

Transforming care navigators are part of Improving Lives Together. They work with children and young people with autism and/or a learning disability.

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