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Neurodevelopmental services

Where to get support for your neurodiverse child

Quick guides

Just One Norfolk have quick guides to neurodevelopmental support. They are for families who feel their child might have a neurodevelopmental difference and need support. The listed local services are available for you to use. 

Healthy child programme

All children and young people develop in different ways and at different rates, but it's useful to know what to expect.

The healthy child programme team provide information and advice about child development on the Just One Norfolk website.

You can also contact the healthy child programme team for advice by phone or text.

Support from your child's place of learning

Your child does not need to have a clinical diagnosis to get special educational needs (SEN) Support.

If your child has difficulties with learning, their early years' keyworker or teacher can help. They can adapt teaching methods and materials to suit your child's style and rate of learning.

If there are still concerns, your child may have SEN. SEN Support will be put in place.

Support from your child's GP or School SENCO

If your child is in school, it can be helpful to talk to your child's SENCO about your concerns. If your child is still too young, or is educated elsewhere, you can talk to your child's GP.

It's a good idea to write some notes to help you explain what's causing your concerns. Your notes might include things you've observed about their:

  • Behaviour and how they interact with other people
  • Communication and language skills
  • Ability to learn and understand new information

If your child attends a place of learning, the SENCO can gather this information with other reports they may have about your child. For example: 

  • A letter/report outlining their observations 
  • Any assessment reports about your child
  • Your child's SEN Support Plan

They may be able to give you advice about your child's behaviour and development. Or help you access advice and information. 

Together, you may decide:

  • To ask your local neurodevelopmental team to see your child. This is called making a referral.
  • That the neurodevelopmental team do not need to see your child. They can help you understand the reasons for this decision. They can also help you with what other support is available and next steps.

If you decide you would like your child to have a private assessment, there are important issues to consider first. Find out more about private neurodevelopmental assessments.

Support for your family

If you have difficulties in your family, or are worried about your child, there are people who can support you. 

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