Doing jobs around the home

Everybody should be encouraged to work and be paid for the hours they work.

The journey to paid employment for your young person with SEND, is best made in small steps and starts at home. You can help start your young person's journey by giving them jobs to do around the house such as: 

  • Tidying their bedroom
  • Washing-up and drying dishes
  • Filling and emptying the dishwasher, and putting everything away
  • Cleaning - hoovering, dusting and cleaning surfaces
  • Laundry - using the washing machine, hanging out washing and ironing
  • Washing the car
  • Gardening

Learning to do jobs like these, is a first step in helping your young person to develop skills such as: 

  • Following instructions
  • Attention to detail
  • Working as part of a team

Doing small jobs at home is a good starting point for developing their skills and confidence. These are also skills they will need when you start to think about independent living. You could use something like an independence skills checker (Word doc, 29 KB) to record which outcomes are being looked at.


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