Getting a job

Doing jobs around the home
Doing chores at home will help your young person with SEND develop skills for work
Choosing a job
Advice and guidance to help a young person with SEND choose a job
Types of work
Your young person with SEND may want to work part-time or full-time, start a business, volunteer or get work experience
Norfolk Employment Service (NES)
Support for your young person with SEND who is looking for paid work, voluntary work, an apprenticeship, work experience or further training
Local Supported Employment programme
For adults with learning disabilities and/or autism. Help to find a job and stay employed
Careers advice and guidance
Sources of careers advice, information and guidance for your young person with SEND
Finding and applying for jobs
How and when your young person with SEND should apply for jobs, tips to help them and how to prepare for interview
A way for your young person to learn new skills, and get work-related qualifications on the job
Support and help at work
Support and help available at work, for your young person with SEND
Working Well Norfolk
Support for Norfolk residents living with long-term health conditions to start and stay in work