Finding and applying for jobs

When your young person is ready to look for a job, there are many ways to find out about possible job opportunities:

  • Friends and family: They may know of vacancies where they work
  • School and college noticeboards: Some schools and colleges display vacancies from local employers'
  • Websites: Search for vacancies on job seeking websites or company and training provider websites and on social media. Many advertise online and want people to apply online
  • Job centre: They have disability employment advisers (DEAs) who support work coaches. DEAs specialise in finding the right support for people who have a disability or health condition
  • Speculative application: Contact companies and employers to ask if they have any job vacancies. Find out more about speculative applications.
  • Specialist magazines and journals
  • Private employment agencies: You can find these through an internet search

Adult social care teams can make referrals to the Norfolk employment service for those that are eligible.

You might find Mencap's easy read guide on finding work useful. You can download the Find a job PDF from the Mencap website.

When to apply for a job or apprenticeship

Your young person can contact companies or training providers at any time. Some large local and national companies, open apprenticeship schemes for school and college leavers before or shortly after Christmas.

It can take time to get a job or apprenticeship, so it is sensible to start looking in plenty of time. If your young person is leaving school or college in the summer, it's a good idea if they start looking from January.

How to apply for a job or apprenticeship

Find an apprenticeship website

You can find and apply for apprenticeship vacancies across England in a variety of careers and industries. Visit the website to find an apprenticeship. You can search by location and keyword, such as:

  • Job role
  • Occupation type
  • Apprenticeship level

Some employers also advertise vacancies on their website.

Once the right job comes up, register online and follow the instructions to apply for the role.

Help You Choose website

To apply for an apprenticeship on Norfolk's Help You Choose careers guidance website, you need to register for an account. You can then search for vacancies.

Application form

Many companies want job applicants to complete an application form. It is important to fill in the form carefully and for your young person to sell themselves to get an interview. 

People who have an illness or disability have the right to reasonable adjustments. This protects them from potential discrimination. It is important for your young person to include information about any special educational needs and disabilities in their application.

Guidance on filling in an application form.

Download the easy read guide for Writing a CV (PDF) from the Mencap website

CV and covering letter

A CV is one or two pages of A4 paper, which tells an employer about a person and their skills. The best CVs are easy to read, so it's important your young person keeps it simple.

Find out more on preparing a CV.

Covering letters

When sending an application form or CV, include a covering letter.

Writing a good covering letter can help your young person get an interview.

Guidance on writing a covering letter.

Top tips on applying for jobs

  • Encourage your young person to save or print out details of all job adverts they want to apply for. If they apply for lots of jobs, it's easy to forget where they found them
  • Make sure they follow the instructions on each job advert about how to apply. The employer will use this to check that they can follow instructions
  • Suggest they keep a copy of all letters of application, CVs and application forms. If they receive an invitation to interview, they can look back and remember what they said.

Find out how you can prepare your young person for a job interview.

Further advice and guidance

For further information on apprenticeships, please visit Apprenticeships Norfolk or Amazing Apprenticeships.

For further advice and guidance, contact the Pathways to Work Team. They support young people aged 13-19 (25 years for young people with an Education Health Care Plan and young people who are care experienced) across Norfolk.

The team can provide you with information and advice on the following:

  • Apprenticeships
  • Work-based learning options
  • T-Levels
  • Writing CVs and applying for jobs

To get in touch email

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