Webpages in the fostering section
Become a foster carer
Transfer to Norfolk Fostering Service
Training to turn a life around
Fostering is a skilled task. We provide training to help you support a child who's separated from their family and may be experiencing trauma, grief and loss. A child who now needs love, patience and time.
What you'll be learning is how to turn a life around.
Meet our Foster Carer Ambassadors
Our experienced and approachable ambassadors regularly attend events, meetings and drop-in clinics. They're happy to answer questions from carers, children and their families.
Join us at one of our events.
Skills to Foster course
All applicants take part in the preparation course 'Skills to Foster'. The course will teach you the essentials of fostering and also includes sections on:
- Children's needs
- How to manage behaviour
- The skills needed to work with traumatised children
Once approved, we'll train you in a wide range of subjects. Some of these are mandatory, such as Emergency First Aid and Safeguarding.
Becoming a foster carer is a big step for the whole family. So we also plan to offer a skills workshop to the children of parents who are applying to be foster carers.
The Fostering Network
Our foster carers become automatic members of the national Fostering Network (opens new window). This provides an independent advice and mediation service.
The Foster Carer Handbook
All carers can access our Fostering Handbook. We've designed the handbook to give you:
- An understanding of your role and tasks
- The context in which you'll be working
- Practical information about how you can help a child's welfare and development
- Information on our training and support programme
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