Pet care in an emergency

If you or the person you care for have pets, you are responsible for their care. This includes planning who will care for your pets if there is an emergency and you're unable to care for them.

You should include this information on your carer's emergency plan.

Advice from the RSPCA

The RSPCA have put together a guide to having someone else look after your pet. It includes information on:

  • Choosing who will look after your pet while you're away
  • Important information you should share with whoever is looking after your pet

Having someone else look after your pet. (opens new window)

The Cinnamon Trust

The Cinnamon Trust help older and terminally ill people care for their pets. Services include:

  • Pet fostering if the owner goes into hospital
  • Help to find a pet friendly care home
  • Looking after a pet if the owner dies

Find out more about The Cinnamon Trust. (opens new window)

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