Examples of nudges in use

You can also adapt the environment around you to address some key behaviours and target a change in them. Here are some examples of the use of infrastructure or multi-layered approaches using nudges to change behaviours

Pictures of flies to keep toilets clean

A well-known example of using nudges for behaviour change was to reduce spillage around toilets. Schiphol airport in Amsterdam introduced this back in 1999.

The idea was simple: etch a picture of a fly in the urinal and men would take aim at it. This reduced spillage by 80%, saving on clean-up costs and making things more pleasant.

A multi-media approach to encourage social distancing

At the height of the COVID-19 outbreak we performed behaviours that were new to us. Social distancing was one and many people stuck to it.

The use of signs, posters and social media all highlighted the positive outcome of maintaining 2m apart during the pandemic. This ensured there was more chance of people adhering to this behaviour.

It showed that by giving people a small 'nudge' in the right direction you can make significant changes.

Votes to encourage smokers to stop littering

Environmental charity Hubbub placed a 'Ballot Bin' in a London street to try and stop littering.

The bin carried a question for smokers to vote on and they could put their stub on whichever side they voted for. The front of the bin was transparent so they could see the results.

The bin 'nudged' smokers into being tidy, resulting in a cleaner environment. It reinforced the reason for performing the behaviour, as it left users feeling they had contributed to a result.

Using lights to reduce accidents at a roundabout

Stud lights at Sheriffhall roundabout near Edinburgh help drivers avoid drifting into the wrong lane. This reduces the risk of collision on the busy roundabout.

The studs light up when you get a green light and switch off when it's red. This scheme was the first of its kind in the UK and is a non-intrusive way of nudging drivers to be safer at this roundabout.

Pictures showing these nudges in use


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