Great Yarmouth registration office

Due to our planned office move to the Palmers Building, we are stopping new ceremony bookings at the Rumbelow Gallery. We will let you know when we start accepting bookings if you submit a ceremony enquiry form.

Great Yarmouth Registration Office is relocating temporarily to Gorleston Library, 1 Lowestoft Road, Gorleston, NR31 6QU. The Registration Office will close on Monday 10 March and reopen in Gorleston Library on Wednesday 12 March.  Online booking for appointments at Gorleston Library will be available at the beginning of March. 

Find details for the temporary registration office via the link below:

Gorleston temporary registration office

In an emergency the police can contact a registrar. Call 101 and ask for the control room. We will process a range of information in order to complete this registration. Read our information and privacy notice.

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