Working together

To make sure that the Norfolk care market is open for business and operating effectively, we need to work together with providers and developers to meet the key needs.

Access to the right services, in the right place, at the right time

We need to ensure that people are able to access the right services in the right place at the right time.

To meet this need, we will:

  • Be available for providers to have conversations to gain a shared understanding of how best to commission and deliver the type and quality of provision that is required
  • Provide access to information that helps providers understand how demand is changing and what is needed to meet current and expected future needs
  • Work in partnership with providers and health partners to review current service models and resourcing to ensure that providers are able to deliver what is required and are appropriately supported to deliver safe, high-quality care

To meet this need, providers and developers will:

  • Work with us to re-design service models and pathways that optimise the use of our scarce system resources
  • Ensure that they use technology in ways that will provide an alternative to direct care where this is assessed as appropriate and safe for the individual, for example, sensors or video calls

Conversations with interested providers

We need to have conversations with providers interested in doing business in Norfolk.

To meet this need, we will:

  • Keep our market position statement current so that providers can identify what services are required and where
  • Through our market position statement, provide advanced notice of upcoming tenders, which will be advertised via contract finder
  • Be available for providers to have discussions about plans for service developments
  • Look at ways where we can support smaller/micro enterprise initiatives with business planning to ensure that they are able to compete for business and be viable

To meet this need, providers and developers will:

  • Develop plans for new services in Norfolk in discussion with commissioners

Accommodation for the future

We need more providers with accommodations that are fit for the future.

To meet this need, we will:

  • Provide more clarity to the market about what we need and where we need it to help providers plan
  • Through our digital information hub, we will provide information about current and emerging digital technology, identify funding opportunities, and support skill development

To meet this need, providers and developers will:

  • Deliver services out of accommodation that are designed to best meet the needs of the clients being supported
  • Ensure that they are technology-ready and fit for the future

Affordable, high quality services to meet needs

We need more providers delivering affordable, high-quality services that meet the higher-level acuity of the needs presented.

Particular areas of priority are:

  • Complex dementia presentations, particularly working age specialist provision
  • Working age complex physical disability provision
  • Learning disability, autism and mental health supported living services
  • More specialist home care enabling people with complex needs to remain living in their family home
  • A greater focus on assistive technologies and equipment to enable people to be supported safely with the least intensive provision appropriate to meeting their assessed needs

To meet this need, we will:

  • Ensure that the person requiring support and their family/carers are central to all of our planning
  • We will ensure that people with lived experience are key partners in developing our strategies and new models for delivery
  • Offer health and social care in-reach support and training to ensure that staff have the required competencies and confidence to support people with the most complex needs in the best way and deliver improved outcomes for the people receiving support
  • Ensure that providers receive timely support when placements are at risk of breaking down
  • Offer a fair fee rate for meeting the complexity of the needs presented
  • Work with providers to review evidence-based models

To meet this need, providers and developers will:

  • Work with us, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), and NHS trusts to develop service models that deliver safe, high-quality provision
  • Help us to think differently about how services can be delivered and what the best technological solutions are to deliver efficient and effective care and support
  • Maintain a minimum of a 'good' care quality commission (CQC) rating
  • Ensure that their staff access specialist training to give them the skills, confidence, and competencies to support individuals with complex needs
  • Work in partnership with health and adult social care to best meet the needs of those individuals with the most complex needs

Passionate, well trained, supported staff

We need passionate, well trained, supported staff keen to progress their careers in social care.

To meet this need, we will:

  • Work with providers to review the training and support currently available to ensure that this will deliver a workforce with the right skills and competencies to best meet the needs of people requiring support
  • Ensure that our fee rates include sufficient resources to enable staff to access the training and development that they need
  • Review the outcome of the Norfolk care association (NorCA) local care worker pay framework if it is adopted by the sector

To meet this need, providers and developers will:

  • Be committed to developing their workforce to deliver the right quality of care
  • Invest in their workforce to support staff to continue to work in the sector, helping them to progress their career in social care
  • Review the opportunities for nurse associates to support a higher acuity of need and to work with the NHS to secure the clinical supervision required
  • Ensure staff reach a minimum level of digital skills required to use their time most efficiently, maximising client-facing activities

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