Virtual centre of excellence supporting international recruitment

The international recruitment programme is delivering an ethical and sustainable recruitment model that supports social care organisations to increase and develop their international recruitment plans.

The safe arrival, induction, and embedding of new people into the social care workforce is our number one priority for international recruitment. The international recruitment grant supports local authorities to put in place a package of financial support to increase the number of international recruits they have and, as a priority to provide safe onboarding, induction, and pastoral support for these recruits.

Based on initial engagement around key needs for the sector, it has been agreed that during the project the following products will need to be developed, implemented, and accessed:

  • Policy, procedures, minimum standards, codes of ethics, signposting, communications, monitoring, and evaluation
  • Benchmark baseline activity
  • Modern slavery and human trafficking guidance, standards and procedures aligned with skills for care
  • Framework including advice, guidance, training, and webinars to care providers
  • Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) training
  • 'Good practice' guidance and protocol for pastoral care
  • Agreement for minimum standards and a competency framework. Creating a model with an enhanced care certificate.
  • Specialist advice on immigration, sponsorship, and housing issues
  • Support driving safely in the UK and accessing public transport
  • Accommodation support
  • Training and coaching for the existing workforce and managers to create welcoming and supportive work environments that embed anti-discriminatory, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive practice
  • Access to English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)

Delivery will focus on providing practical, tailored solutions to the identified barriers that are responsive and accessible to all providers to meet local needs, for example, through:

  • Overseas recruitment services
  • Skills training and needs audits
  • Enhanced care certificate training
  • Facilitation of international recruitment community networks
  • Landlord liaison, agreement development, and training
  • Practical support with sponsorship and visa applications
  • Development of strong pastoral support packages

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