Our key aims

Working together to design a better, more efficient sector

How we will we achieve this aim

To achieve this aim:

  • We have been piloting an innovative new virtual care agency approach with seven domiciliary care agencies in Norfolk and the technology company Alcove. We are evaluating this pilot to see if this has delivered the outcomes expected. If deemed successful, we will then be looking to expand the blended care package offer across the whole county.
  • We will encourage and champion innovation and technology enabled services where they benefit people and where the innovation results in more efficient and effective services
  • We will encourage services to play an active part in research to improve care for all, foster innovation and enhance people's experience of care
  • We will be open for discussions about the use of assistive technology in supporting less labour-intensive approaches
  • Development of a more collaborative geographical home care service model that delivers greater service efficiencies

What we achieved in 2022

We worked with the digital health and social care team at the NHS Norfolk and Waveney integrated care board to secure grant funding to support the implementation of digital social care records systems with care quality commission (CQC) registered providers in Norfolk.

Through this process we have secured around £1.5m of grant funding which enables CQC registered care providers to be able to apply for 50% of the first-year cost of implementing a new digital social care records system, up to a total of £10,000.

The fund was launched in October 2022, and we have already had applications to bring the total number of care providers in Norfolk with a digital social care records system to over 60%.

We implemented a pilot for an innovative new virtual care agency approach with seven domiciliary care agencies in Norfolk and the technology company Alcove. This pilot offers blended digital and physical domiciliary care packages whereby low-level check-in calls are done via a video care phone, freeing up 'in-person' resources to support more people who need physical support as part of their care visit.

We worked with Norfolk and Suffolk care support, who are contracted by the better security, better care programme (BSBC) to support providers to register with, and complete, the data security and protection toolkit (DSPT). Due to the success of this programme in Norfolk, the county has a much higher compliance rate than the national average. Norfolk and Suffolk care support has been contracted to provide this support for a further two years.

How we will measure that we have achieved this aim

  • 80% of CQC registered care providers, in Norfolk, will have a digital social care records system in place by the end of March 2024
  • An increase in the number of care packages that take a blended approach to service delivery where technological solutions and physical support work together to drive better outcomes


People will tell us:

  • "I have more face-to-face time with staff supporting me, which improves my experience of care"
  • "My home has the right equipment and technology to enable me to live as independently as possible, for as long as possible"

Providers will tell us:

  • "I am encouraged to be innovative"
  • "My ideas for a more efficient sector are welcomed and given full consideration"

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