Our key aims

Eighty-five percent of commissioned services will have a good or outstanding rating

How we will achieve this aim

We will achieve this aim by:

  • Involving people who use services in improving service quality
  • Working with care quality commission (CQC) to fast-track providers for an inspection who are identified through the provider assessment and market management solution (PAMMS) process as making significant quality improvements
  • Implement a robust commissioning and procurement process, aligned to the integrated quality service improvement and escalation policy, that will seek to take action that could include the termination of contracts with providers who continue to be non-compliant
  • Through our integrated care system quality improvement programme which will ensure a focus on quality across all health and social care workstreams and activities
  • Through paying a fair price for care that will support delivery of the quality standards required
  • Ensure that any block contracts being tendered have a minimum threshold requirement for any provider to be at least 'good' or 'outstanding', otherwise they will not be able to bid

What we achieved in 2022

  • Development of a quality plan supported by a robust quality assurance process
  • Developed and published an integrated quality escalation policy
  • We have established a provider led workstream within the quality improvement programme developing peer to peer support and webinars on outstanding practice
  • Continued access to free, accredited training for staff
  • A cohort of managers graduated from the my home life leadership programme
  • Continued NHS in-reach support and training to adult social care services to support providers to safely manage the higher acuity of presenting needs

Challenges in achieving this aim

The challenges we face around quality ratings include:

  • Insufficient CQC capacity to undertake timely reviews of providers who are demonstrating significant quality improvements
  • CQC focus is on providers who are poorly performing so we will need to use PAMMS inspections as the measure of improvement

How we will measure that we have achieved this aim

  • Improved PAMMS ratings
  • Improved CQC ratings
  • Fewer safeguarding concerns
  • Reduction in complaints received and local government office enquiries
  • Increased uptake in staff training and development


People will tell us:

  • "I am confident that the people supporting me have the skills needed to meet my care and support needs in the best way"
  • "I feel safe"
  • "At all times I am treated with dignity and respect"
  • "I have control over the support that I receive so that it is delivered in ways that best meet my needs"

Providers will tell us:

  • "I feel supported to deliver a high quality of care"
  • "I will encourage and support my staff to progress their career in the social care sector"
  • "I will employ suitably qualified managers who have a collective vision of what 'good' care looks like"
  • "My staff feel part of the solution and are inspired to make continuous improvements in the services that we deliver"
  • "I am confident to develop person-centred, creative, and flexible care and support" 

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