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Local Transport Plan 4 - Post Adoption Delivery Report 2022-2024

The Local Transport Plan 4 Strategy and Implementation Plan was adopted in July 2022.

Since its adoption Norfolk County Council has continued to monitor the delivery of the Local Transport Plan (LTP) actions set against 22 policies across seven objectives.

You can find out about what has been delivered since the adoption of the LTP by following the links below.

Chapters in this online report


The Local Transport Plan Delivery Report will provide a summary of progress against each of the LTP4 objectives

Policy context

Details of policies and strategies that shape the delivery of the Local Transport Plan

Map of projects

Find out where transport projects are taking place across Norfolk

Objective 1: Embracing the future

Putting emphasis on the need to adapt to and use new technology to achieve better outcomes

Objective 2: Delivering a sustainable Norfolk

Putting emphasis on working in partnership with others to help shape the County's development plans and proposals

Objective 3: Enhancing connectivity

Key connections into and across the county must be improved to provide better, faster and more reliable journeys

Objective 4: Enhancing Norfolk's quality of life

Putting a clear priority on carbon reduction, tackling air quality and improving quality of place

Objective 5: Increasing accessibility

Working in partnership with bus companies, train operators, local communities, service providers and those who plan service provision is key to increasing accessibility

Objective 6: Improving transport safety

Working in partnership to achieve casualty reductions on the transport network using the Safe Systems approach

Objective 7: A well-managed and maintained transport network

Focus core funding streams towards ensuring that the most important parts of the network are kept in good repair

Our partners

Breckland Council logo
Broadland District Council logo
Great Yarmouth Borough Council logo
Logo of the Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk
North Norfolk District Council logo
Norwich City Council logo
South Norfolk Council logo

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