Objective 7: A well-managed and maintained transport network
We focus core funding streams towards ensuring that we keep the most important parts of the network in good repair. In urban areas and market towns the strategy is to identify sustainable and active transport corridors to focus maintenance and network management.
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Summary of Objective
We continue to explore funding opportunities, particularly to trial new technology. This includes exploring the use of Microsoft FastTrack resource to support big data storage necessary to inform use of AI.
We work in collaboration with other organisations such as Transport East. This is to build data and evidence to support transport project development.
- Policy 18: Maintaining the current highway asset will be a key priority for funding. We should target works to ensure A and urban / inter-urban routes are in good condition.
- Policy 19: We'll identify corridors important for sustainable and active transport. We'll focus maintenance on provision for these users where its impact would be most beneficial in market towns and urban areas.
- Policy 20: In urban areas we will focus on measures to improve public transport corridors to make those journeys quicker. In areas identified as having less congestion, we will aim to make all journeys more reliable.
- Policy 21: We should address the likely impacts of climate change on the highway network to ensure assets are resilient. Where we can't make assets resilient to impacts of climate change, such as coastal erosion, we should have planned alternatives so we can respond faster and avoid disruption. We'll use a risk-based approach to determine the priority for action.
- Policy 22: We'll embrace and use new and innovative technology. We'll use it to collect data about the network, inform decisions, assess where to target funding on the network and share information with the public.
Objective 7: delivery highlights
Network management data
We've produced a prototype for network management data. The platform has been built within a cloud environment that can fully exploit vehicle movement data. This has enabled us to produce insights into network performance across the Norfolk highway network.
It provides a better understanding of performance on different sections of the network at different times of the day/year, which is only possible with the use of bigger computing power.
Using artificial intelligence (AI) with CCTV
A trial using AI with CCTV to provide insights into walking and cycling patterns around Norwich was undertaken with funding from Innovate UK. We did this to monitor performance of highway schemes and collect active travel data. This inform new schemes or interventions. This was a trial, and we are now looking to establish a longer-term option.
Partnership working
We've sent out Parish Partnership invitation letters for 2025-26. These allow parish and town Councils to submit bids for small highway improvements where NCC supports up to 50% of the cost, enabling delivery to meet local community needs. For 2024-25, the proposal is to support 118 schemes totalling over £1m.
Highways Capital Programme and Transport Asset Management Plan
We took the Highways Capital Programme for 2024-27 and Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP) to Cabinet in March 2024. See the report from Cabinet.
We base our asset management strategy upon 'prevention rather than cure' and it's weighted to early intervention using intermediate treatments. These treatments are beneficial in both whole-life costing and whole life carbon. One example is our extensive surface dressing programme. We use a rejuvenation treatment - 'reclamite' - to prolong the life of surfacing. This keeps it in good condition and delays the need for more intensive treatment. Recent examples have been in central Norwich protecting previous public transport and cycling investments.
Highway Asset Management Plan and Strategy
The Infrastructure and Development Select Committee continues to monitor the Highway Asset Management Plan and Strategy, together with targets. This is as part of the annual Highway and Transport Network Performance Report.
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
We've updated the strategy's policies. This is to maintain consistency with the revised National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England.
Norfolk Strategic Flooding Alliance (NSFA)
We support the development of the NSFA with its associated action plan and priority schemes. The NSFA was set up in response to serious flooding that occurred in 2020. It brings together all agencies and partners involved in planning for and responding to flooding in Norfolk.
The action plan includes work on individual sites across Norfolk, seeking solutions to address flood risk and identifying potential funding for each site. It also includes work to ensure development does not exacerbate risk of flooding and looks at potential changes to existing legislation on how we address flooding and flood risk.
Norfolk County Council investment
Extra investment by NCC to resolve cross cutting drainage issues is enabling more holistic solutions. An example is the planned works at Acle Road, Beighton. These aim to resolve both highway drainage and control of water from the surrounding area, directing it away from the historic areas of flooding within the highway.
Norfolk Access Improvement Plan (NAIP)
We continue to deliver the NAIP, which sets out priorities over the next 10 years for improving the rural and urban access network. There is currently ongoing analysis to support the completion of the NAIP mid-point review.
Work for next period
Policy 22 promotes new and innovative technology to collect data about the network and inform decisions. There have been several studies that have collected qualitative and quantitative data on the network for particular reports, such as the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs).
Trials have included exploring the use of Microsoft FastTrack to support big data storage necessary to inform the use of AI. This work continues to facilitate the use of innovative technology.
We have begun work on renewing the term contracts we have with consultants and contractors for transport projects. We'll consider many factors, including delivering value for money and carbon impacts through the new contracts from 2026.
We await guidance from the new government on the future funding on local highways from 2025-26 and beyond. When received we'll share this with members, together with a recommended updated asset management and strategy for approval.
NCC teams continue to work tirelessly to achieve the target for the percentage of principal roads where we should consider maintenance. There was a very slight increase between 2022 and 2024, but this is still on track to reach the target of below 5.2% by 2027-28.
The Department for Transport (DfT) has recently consulted on a Transport Adaptation Strategy. As this emerges we'll develop our approach to adaptation, risk-management and resilience in line with the new guidance.