Guide for prospective councillors

Introduction from Tom McCabe, Chief Executive

The Council is only ever as relevant, capable and dynamic as the people elected to run it. 

The decisions made by our County Councillors have an impact on residents' quality of life in so many ways. 

As a County Councillor you will be the authentic voice of your constituents; a champion for your local community. This way you will help Norfolk have a growing economy, full of thriving people living in strong communities that we can all be proud of.

Life experience and commitment to public service are the most important attribute a councillor can bring to the role. There are some conditions but generally any British citizen, eligible Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of any member state of the European Union, over 18 who lives or works in Norfolk, can stand for election as a Norfolk County Councillor.

Local people become councillors for many reasons, but mainly because they feel strongly about the area in which they live and they want to make a difference.

Councillors can belong to a political party, or they can stand as independent candidates, separate from political parties.

Our current Norfolk County Councillors come from a range of backgrounds, for some this was their first term, while others have successfully been re-elected many times. 

If you believe you have the required attributes and a strong desire to make a difference, I would like to invite you to consider standing as a County Councillor for Norfolk.

Thank you

Tom McCabe, Chief Executive

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