Guide for prospective councillors

Code of Conduct

Members Code of Conduct

What is the Code of Conduct?

All elected and co-opted members of local authorities, including Parish Councils, Fire, Police and National Parks authorities, are covered by a Code of Conduct. At Norfolk County Council, every councillor, on election to the authority, is required to undertake to observe a Code of Conduct that sets out rules governing the behaviour of councillors whilst in public office.  

Conflicts of interest

Elected councillors must consider their personal or business commitments and, where they could have a direct interest on a matter or they may have some influence over a decision being taken by the Council, they must openly declare this interest and not participate in discussions about it.

The rules relating to the disclosure and registration of interests are set out in the Members Code of Conduct. The document is contained within the Norfolk County Council Constitution part 3B.

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