Norfolk and Suffolk Culture Board

Who they are and how they work

Norfolk and Suffolk are home to nationally and internationally renowned festivals, theatres, artists, museums and art galleries, and centres of national excellence in dance, music, theatre production and writing. 

It is an area where world-class talent is built, nurtured, enjoyed, and celebrated. 

Norfolk and Suffolk Culture Board is a dynamic collaboration of culture leaders that work together to build the cultural economy in the area by: 

  • Increasing investment 
  • Accelerating inclusive growth 
  • Enhancing health and wellbeing 
  • Championing sustainable development 

It has a manifesto, Culture Drives Impact, and an evidence report. 

Go to the Norfolk and Suffolk Culture Board manifesto and evidence report on the National Centre for Writing website.

Download the Norfolk and Suffolk Culture Board Terms of Reference. (PDF, 184 KB)

The function of the culture board

Since its establishment in 2012, the Culture Board has worked to attract smart and impactful investment. This is demonstrated by the four major programmes it has delivered:  

The board also holds events for people working in the culture sector to meet and plan together.  

All board opportunities are shared through the Norfolk Arts Forum and Suffolk Culture Network.

For more information and to get involved, email Read our privacy notice to find out how we use your personal information.

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