Who can get post16 travel


When a young person continues with education beyond the age of 16 (year 11) the Council has to consider how they will access that education.

The Council does not have to provide free or subsidised post-16 transport however we do provide some travel assistance if the young person:

  • Lives in Norfolk
  • Lives at least 3 miles from the sixth form or college (measured by the nearest walking route)
  • Is on a full-time course (at least 540 hours per year of supervised study - approximately 14 hours per week)
  • Is under 19 years of age on 1 September
  • Is studying a course of further education, not an HND, HNC or degree course
  • Travels on a core route within a defined catchment area 

When choosing a post 16 establishment you need to make sure you can get there by checking the travel options for college or sixth form section of our website. We do not provide travel assistance to wherever a young person wishes to go.

You should also check the prices of local bus and train operators as they often offer cheaper travel than us and will offer extra benefits such as holiday and weekend use. If you can get transport cheaper without our support, we will refuse your application.

All travel assistance provided by NCC is subject to a financial contribution towards the cost.

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