Who can get post16 travel

Students with special educational needs or disabilities

If students have a learning difficulty, disability or mobility issue that may prevent them from travelling by bus or train, they will need to be assessed by our Travel and Independence Training Team (TITAN).

Following this assessment:

  • If they are assessed as capable of travelling independently following appropriate training, they will be offered that training so they can travel by bus or train
  • If they are assessed as unable to travel independently, even with appropriate training, we'll then provide specialist transport.

We will provide travel assistance for students with special educational needs or disabilities if the young person:

  • Lives in Norfolk
  • Lives at least 3 miles from the sixth form or college (measured by the nearest walking route)
  • Is attending a full-time course (at least 540 hours per year of supervised study - approximately 14 hours per week)
  • Is under 19 years of age on 1 September, or under 25 years of age if they have a current EHCP
  • Travels on a core route, within a defined catchment area OR
  • Attends the nearest educational establishment to meet their needs, as named in their current EHCP

All travel assistance provided by NCC is subject to a financial contribution towards the cost.

For further details about SEND transport please visit special educational needs transport section.

Find out more about SEND transport. (PDF, 582 KB)

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