Adult Social Services communication survey

We want to get better at communicating!

A smiling older lady posing for the camera

Help us improve communication

We know communication is important, that's why we're asking for your help. We want to reach as many people as we can who have had the need to communicate with Adult Social Services.

Complete our short survey

We're planning a workshop at the end of March 2025 to co-produce ways to improve our communications. Before that, we need your feedback about how we communicate - both the good and the bad. If you've recently sent in a complaint, or compliment, about our communication we will already be looking at those details. 

Why your feedback matters

Your experiences, whether positive or negative, will help us learn and improve. We want to know:

  • When communication went well
  • When it didn't go so well
  • Any suggestions you have for improvement

Your input will make a difference

Let's work together to make Norfolk County Council Adult Social Care better at communicating with everyone. We will:

  • Treat all responses we receive confidentially
  • Collate the feedback so it is anonymous, meaning we can't identify who the people responding are

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