Support for mental health

A man walking his dog on a frosty morning

For most of us there are times when we're stressed, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed or find it difficult to cope.

One quarter of us will have problems with our mental wellbeing at some point in our lives. Many of life's demands can affect your levels of stress.

Although a little pressure can be good and helps to keep us motivated, too much all at once can make us stressed. Various things can affect your stress levels, such as:

  • Physical health
  • Your job (or finding one)
  • Relationships and friendships
  • Where we live
  • Money problems
  • Life changes
  • Feeling lonely

Here are some local sources of help if you are struggling with your mental health:

  • NHS Talking Therapies can support you in the first steps to make changes in your life. It offers support to manage your levels of stress and connect you with others, as well as symptoms of anxiety and depression. Call 0300 123 1503
  • The Wellbeing Hubs across Norfolk and Waveney are a safe space to get support in your community.
  • The Reading Well scheme at Norfolk libraries. It offers self-help books recommended by healthcare professionals and mood-boosting books.
  • Norfolk and Waveney Mind offers various services. It includes supported housing, crisis helplines, drop-in centres, employment and training schemes, counselling and befriending.
  • For social care advice the Norfolk Community Advice Network may be able to help
  • Don't forget the benefits that being active can have for your wellbeing. Local support is available to improve your fitness level through Ready to Change. You can also visit the NHS website for tips, online tools and general advice about wellbeing and mental health.
  • Try Every Mind Matters to understand more about the causes and effects of stress, and for self-care tips to help manage it
  • You Are Not Alone (YANA) provides support for those in farming and rural professions - call 0300 323 0400
  • Menscraft is a Norfolk-based charity focusing exclusively on the health and wellbeing of men

National helplines for adults

Help for children and young people

  • FYI Norfolk - health advice and information for 11- to 24-year-olds across Norfolk & Waveney, with trusted advice from NHS clinicians
  • Childline - support for children and young people. Call 0800 1111
  • ChatHealth - Support for those aged 11-19 in Norfolk. Text 07480 635 060
  • Just One Norfolk - support regarding children, young people and families across Norfolk.
  • Kooth - Free anonymous mental wellbeing support for children, including online messaging service
  • PAPYRUS - help for people up to age 35 considering suicide 0800 068 41 41

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