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Upload early help assessment and plans


Please note that any requests for a Family Support practitioner (formerly Family Focus) are now made through a consultation with the Children's Advice and Duty Service (CADS) on 0344 800 8021.

View targeted courses currently on offer (PDF, 275 KB)


Includes links to supporting documents and forms which partners will use during the process. You can download forms to complete them. Use the button links to upload your forms.  

You might find frequently asked questions about the Early help assessment and plans useful.

Step 1

Early help registration and request for support form

Alternatively, download and complete the Early help registration and request for support form (Word doc, 64 KB).

Check: This must be completed with all adults and age appropriate children before support can be offered to ensure they consent to support. By signing the Early help registration form families agree to sharing information as set out in our privacy notice. This contains a list of organisations Norfolk County Council Children's Services share information with.

Individual organisations will have to direct families to their privacy notices to ensure they understand how their personal information is stored and used.

Step 2  

Upload Early help registration and request for support form

Step 3 

Download and complete an Early help assessment and plan (Word doc, 205 KB). You might want to use the Signs of Safety model tools and resources to complete the form.

Step 4

Upload the Early help assessment and plan

Step 5

Contact the appropriate family network, workers and agencies to arrange the families meeting and update your Early help assessment and plan as required. Arrange the meeting with the family, children and other organisations who are involved.

Download the Early help review. (Word doc, 175 KB)

Step 6

Upload the updated plan after every meeting. Pass on a copy to all those who are in the plan.

Upload the Family Support Process delivery plan and/or review

Step 7

Finally, when is agreed the goals are met and the support is completed, complete the Ending our plan (Word doc, 153 KB).

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