
A scam is a dishonest scheme designed to cheat people out of money. There are many scams with new ones appearing constantly.

Norfolk Trading Standards give useful guidance and advice.

You can sign up to receive email consumer or business scam alerts below

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Check our current consumer alerts or business alerts or follow Norfolk Trading Standards on Norfolk Trading Standards Facebook and Norfolk Trading Standards Twitter for updates.

Report scams

You can report scams to:

The Citizens Advice consumer helpline
Provides advice and shares information with Trading Standards.
Online via the Citizens Advice website  (opens new window)
Telephone: 0808 223 1133 (freephone)

Action Fraud, the UK national fraud office
Report all types of scams to Action Fraud, the UK's national reporting centre for fraud.
Online: via their online fraud reporting tool
Telephone: 0300 123 2040

Norfolk Police
If a crime is happening now or has recently occurred. If the victim is vulnerable or unable to protect themselves from fraud.
Online: via the Norfolk Police website
Telephone: 101

If you have been the victim of a scam:

Norfolk & Suffolk Victim Care
Offers specialist help and support if you've been the victim of a scam
Online: via the Norfolk & Suffolk Victim Care website 
Telephone: 0300 303 3706  

Scam awareness and advice

The Citizens Advice website has information about common consumer scams to look out for.

Business Companion has advice on how to spot and avoid scams targeting businesses.

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