Types of waste we accept

A pile of cans, plastic bottles, plastic bottle tops, scrunched up paper and yoghurt pots

You must book to bring waste to a Norfolk Recycling Centre. 
For more information visit Recycling centre booking help.

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Find out what types of household waste we accept at our recycling centres.

If you are bringing trade waste visit Types of trade waste we accept to find out what you can bring.

Use keywords to see types of waste we accept including potential costs. For example 'bike' or 'mattress'.
The list will change to show relevant results when you enter a keyword.

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Aerosol cans (empty)Not applicable

Accepted. You can also put them in your kerbside recycling bin.

Aerosol cans (full or part-full)Not applicableOnly accepted on hazardous waste daysFree
Air conditionersNot applicable


AntifreezeGlycolOnly accepted on hazardous waste daysFree
AsbestosNot applicableNot accepted. More information on asbestos disposal.Not accepted
AshNot applicableNot accepted as it's a fire risk. When the ash is completely cold you can put it in your kerbside waste bin.Not accepted
Audio Visual
  • Audio cassettes
  • CDs
  • DVDs
  • Records
  • Video cassettes

Accepted. Put them in the non-recyclables container.

May also be accepted at reuse shops.

  • Household/dry cell
  • Cars/vehicle - handle with care
  • e-Bike batteries


Not accepted as trade waste.

Household batteries are also accepted at retail outlets and supermarkets. Batteries may be a fire hazard if you put them in your household rubbish bin. Please recycle responsibly.


Beer barrels or kegsNot applicableNot accepted. Contact Keg Watch on 0808 100 1945Not accepted
BicyclesNot applicable

Accepted. Put unusable bicycles in the scrap metal container.

Good bikes may be accepted at reuse shops

  • Food processor blades
  • Knives
Accepted. Let a member of staff know you are disposing of them. Wrap them safely, label them and put them in the scrap metal container. You can also wrap them safely and put them in your kerbside rubbish bin.Free
BooksNot applicable

Accepted. Put them in the cardboard container

May be accepted at reuse shops

Brake fluidNot applicableOnly accepted on hazardous waste daysFree
Bubble wrap

Not applicable

Accepted. Put it in the non-recyclables container. Some online recycling groups or websites will accept bubble wrap that's in good condition.Free
Business and trade waste

The following waste types created by businesses or trade activities:

  • Non-recyclable waste
  • Garden waste
  • Flat or sheet glass
  • Rubble
  • Plasterboard
  • Timber
  • Scrap metal
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Textiles
  • Glass bottles

Accepted at some recycling centres for a charge.

Visit Types of trade waste we accept for more information about what is and is not included.

Business and trade waste charges
Cans/tins/foil (washed)
  • Cans
  • Tins
  • Foil
Accepted, but these can go in your kerbside recycling bin.Free
Card and cardboard
  • Books
  • Greeting cards
  • Washed cartons
  • Boxes
Accepted, but these can go in your kerbside recycling bin.Free
Carpets and underlay
  • Carpets
  • Underlay
  • Vinyl
  • Lino

Accepted. These go in the non-recyclables container.

Laminate is classed as DIY waste. More about DIY waste.

Chemicals (listed)
  • Bleach
  • Degreasers
  • Descalers
  • Drain cleaners
  • Fence or shed treatments/preservers
  • Fertilisers
  • Fungicides
  • Insecticides
  • Lubricants
  • Oven cleaners
  • Paintbrush cleaners/thinners
  • Pesticides
  • Photographic chemicals
  • Swimming pool cleaners
  • Weed killer
  • Wood preservers/treatments

Only accepted on Hazardous waste days.

Not accepted as trade waste.

Christmas treesNot applicable

Accepted. Real Christmas trees can go in green waste container. Fake trees may go in the non recyclable, metal or electrical container. Please check with staff.

Fake Christmas trees and decorations in good condition are accepted at reuse shops.

Clinical waste
  • Bandages
  • Blood or other body fluids
  • Dressings
  • Excretions
  • Human or animal tissue
  • Medicines
  • Needles
  • Other sharp instruments
  • Swabs
  • Syringes (these can be taken to any pharmacy for safe disposal)
Not accepted. Your local district, borough or city council might offer a collection or disposal service, but may charge. You could also contact a reputable private waste disposal contractor. Ask to see a waste carriers licence and find out where they will dispose of the waste.Not accepted
ClothesNot applicableAccepted. See textiles for more information.Free
CO2 canistersNot applicableOnly accepted on Hazardous waste days. Or contact Keg Watch on 0808 100 1945.Free
Coat hangers (wire and plastic)Not applicable

Accepted. Put plastic in non-recyclables and metal hangers in metals. Or offer to reuse shops.

Cooking oilNot applicable


Not accepted as trade waste.

Cushions (not part of upholstered seating)
  • Scatter cushions
  • Decorative cushions
Accepted. Put them in the non-recyclables container. Or donate good quality cushions at reuse shops.Free
Cushions (part of upholstered seating)
  • Sofa cushions
  • Chair cushions
  • Other cushions that are part of upholstered seating

Accepted at some recycling centres.

Undamaged, clean items with a fire safety label attached may also be accepted at the reuse shops of the sites that accept upholstered seating.

Visit Upholstered seating for more details.

Electrical items (large, non-commercial)
  • Boilers
  • Cookers and ovens - Get a qualified gas engineer to disconnect your gas cooker. Use the Gas Safe register to find a local company.
  • Dishwashers
  • Fridges and freezers
  • Washing machines and tumble dryers
  • Microwaves


Not accepted as trade waste.

Your local district, borough or city council may offer a collection service for large electrical goods but might charge you. Reuse shops may take some items. Check with staff.

Electrical items (small, non-commercial)
  • Christmas tree lights
  • Small items like hairdryers, irons, kettles, toasters
  • Computers/ laptops /monitors
  • Electric blankets
  • DVD players
  • Lawnmowers
  • Leads
  • Telephones, mobile phones - remember to take out your old SIM card
  • Plugs
  • Printers
  • Smoke or carbon monoxide detectors
  • Stereos and radios
  • Tablets/iPads
  • Televisions/Smart TVs
  • Toys, including ride-on cars, bikes and scooters
  • Vacuum cleaners/hoovers
  • Vapes

Accepted at recycling centres.

Not accepted as trade waste.

May be accepted at reuse shops.

It is your responsibility to remove all personal data from your electronics before you recycle them. Some items may go on to be reused. More information on deleting your data.

Engine oil (used)Not applicable


Please bring engine oil in a reusable container. Empty containers cannot be disposed of at the recycling centre.

Not accepted as trade waste.

Explosives, boat flares, fireworks, fire arms/BB guns and ammunitionNot applicableNot accepted. Read our advice on disposing of explosives.Not accepted
FacemasksNot applicableNot accepted.Not accepted
FibreglassNot applicableAccepted. Classed as non-recyclable DIY waste. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance.More about DIY waste
Fire extinguishersNot applicable

Only accepted on hazardous waste days. Maximum 2 per household.

Some extinguisher supply companies also offer a disposal service - check the label.

Flat glass (DIY waste)
  • Windows and glass doors
  • Greenhouse and Conservatory glass
  • Shower screens
Accepted. Classed as non-recyclable DIY waste. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance.More about DIY waste
Flat glass (free standing)
  • Tables
  • Fish tanks
  • TV stands
  • Picture glass

If undamaged, these may be accepted at reuse shops.

If damaged, place in flat glass container.

  • Carpets
  • Underlay
  • Vinyl
  • Lino

Accepted. Goes in the non-recyclables container.

Laminate is classed as DIY waste. More about DIY waste.

Foil (clean)
  • Kitchen foil
  • Foil food trays
  • Takeaway and ready meal food trays
Accepted. You can also put it in your kerbside recycling bin.Free
Food wasteNot applicable

Accepted in small amounts.

Needs to be double-bagged and labelled. Goes in the non-recyclables container. Also goes in kerbside rubbish bin or food caddy in some areas.

Not accepted as trade waste.

  • Petrol
  • Diesel
  • Paraffin
  • Heating oil
Not acceptedNot accepted
Furniture (free standing and upholstered)
  • Settees
  • Sofas
  • Sofa beds
  • Armchairs, including electric reclining chairs
  • Home office chairs
  • Upholstered kitchen or dining room chairs
  • Futons 
  • Pouffes
  • Upholstered stools/footstools
  • Beanbags
  • Floor and sofa cushions

Accepted at some recycling centres. Please do not break this furniture up.

Undamaged, clean items with a fire safety label attached may also be accepted at the reuse shops of the sites that accept upholstered seating.

Visit Upholstered seating for more details.

Furniture (free standing, not upholstered)
  • Chairs
  • Tables
  • Sofas
  • Beds

Accepted at recycling centres. May be accepted at reuse shops.

Fitted furniture is classed as DIY waste. More about DIY waste.

Garden/green waste
  • Garden and green waste - except injurious and invasive weeds
  • Garden tools
  • Trees - except ash trees
  • Water butts

Accepted - apart from ash trees, and leaves and prunings, and injurious or invasive weeds.

Read our information about garden or green waste for more information about what we will and will not accept. We also provide advice on how to deal with garden waste that we do not accept.

Gas bottles and cylinders (empty)Not applicable

Only some types of empty gas bottles and cylinders are accepted at our recycling centres. Read more about gas bottles and cylinders

Not accepted as trade waste.

Gas bottles and cylinders (full or part full)Not applicable

Not accepted, under any circumstances. 

Read more about gas bottles and cylinders.

Not accepted
Glass bottles and jars (washed)Not applicable

Accepted - put them in the glass containers. They can also go in your kerbside recycling bin.

Flat glass is classed as DIY waste. An example of flat glass is a window pane. More about DIY waste.

GlueNot applicableOnly accepted on hazardous waste daysFree

Hardened lime, cement, and plaster

  • Lime
  • Cement
  • Plaster
Accepted only if hardened. Classed as non-recyclable DIY waste and it can be put in the rubble container at any recycling centre. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance. More about DIY waste
Heating oilNot applicableNot acceptedNot accepted
Household bin waste (including food waste)Not applicableAccepted. Please separate any recyclable materials out beforehand then bag any remaining waste. We might ask you to open the bags at the recycling centre. This is so that we can recycle as much as possible.Free
Incontinence padsNot applicable

Accepted - but incontinence pads should usually be wrapped and put in your kerbside rubbish bin.

We will accept one bag of pads per household, per week. The pads must be double-wrapped and clearly labelled, to reduce human contact with them.

  • Glasses
  • Crockery
  • Saucepans
  • Bakeware

Accepted. Please don't put heatproof glass (Pyrex) into bottle banks.

May also be accepted at reuse shops.

  • Electric
  • Manual
  • Petrol - empty

Accepted at recycling centres. Please empty fuel tanks completely for petrol lawnmowers.

May be accepted at reuse shops.

Lightbulbs/fluorescent tubes (household)Not applicable


Not accepted as trade waste.

For large quantities, or for commercial collection/disposal, contact Recolight (charges apply).

Litter (bagged)Not applicableAccepted. We'll take up to three bags, but you need to let us know before you arrive. Find out more about litter picks. 

Advise us you're bringing litter.
Liquid cartons/Tetra Paks (washed)Not applicable

Accepted. Put them in the cardboard container. They can also go in your kerbside recycling bin.

Loft insulationNot applicableAccepted. Classed as non-recyclable DIY waste. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance.More about DIY waste
MattressesNot applicableAccepted. Put them in the non-recyclables container.Free
Medicines and medical equipment
  • Inhalers
  • Tablets
  • Syringes
  • Sharps
Not accepted. Never place leftover or expired medicines or medical equipment in your kerbside rubbish bin or flush them down the toilet. Your local GP or pharmacist will help you dispose of them safely.Not accepted
MercuryNot applicableNot acceptedNot accepted
Metals (household)
  • Barbecues
  • Bicycles
  • Lawnmowers (empty of fuel)
  • Kitchenware
  • Shelving
  • Empty metal paint tins
  • Rotary washing lines
Accepted. Non-ferrous metals are separated out (copper, brass, stainless steel and aluminium). Also see foil.Free
Mobility equipment
  • Wheelchairs
  • Crutches
  • Walking frames

Accepted. Walking aids are repaired and returned to Norfolk hospitals.

Also accepted at reuse shops.

NappiesNot applicable

Accepted - but nappies should usually be wrapped and put in your kerbside rubbish bin.

We accept one bag per household, per week of disposal nappies. They must be double-wrapped and clearly labelled, to reduce human contact with them.

DIY non-recyclables
  • Insulation and roof felt
  • Plastic guttering, drains and fascia
  • Baths and shower trays (plastic/acrylic)
  • Soil and turf
  • Pond liners and garden membranes
  • Doors, window and frames (UVPC)
  • Walk in structures (not wood or metal)
  • Oil tanks (plastic)
  • Sand
Accepted. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance.More about DIY waste
Oil tanks (empty)
  • Plastic
  • Metal

Accepted as long as they are fully drained. They are classed as DIY waste. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance.

Oil tanks will not fit in the bins whole. They must be broken up into smaller pieces that can be carried up steps if necessary. We suggest you visit your recycling centre before you bring the item and discuss it with site staff. Or consider hiring a tank removal company.

More about DIY waste
Oil tanks (full or partially full)Not applicableNot accepted. Look for specialist waste disposal contractors in your local telephone directory or online. Remember to ask to see a waste carriers licence and find out where the waste will be disposed of.Not accepted
Paint cans (empty or dried out)Not applicableAccepted. Empty metal paint cans go in the metals container, plastic cans go in the non-recyclable bin. Dried out or empty cans also go in your kerbside rubbish bin.Free
Paint cans (full or part full containing liquid paint)Not applicable

Only accepted on hazardous waste days.

Not accepted as trade waste.

Do not put liquid paint into your kerbside bin. Mix in cat litter or soil to completely dry out the paint first.

  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Directories
  • Envelopes
  • Shredded paper (put it in your bin loosely, not in bags)
Accepted - but can go in your kerbside recycling bin.Free
Pets/animals bedding and housing
  • Animal bedding
  • Fish tanks and aquariums

Accepted. We accept up to 2 bags of vegetarian pet bedding per week (from rabbits, guinea pigs etc). Please double-bagged it and label it clearly. Think about home composting it instead.

We also accept household fish tanks/aquariums and animal housing. Put filters or lights in the small electrical appliances container. Good, clean items may also be accepted for reuse shops.

Pets/animals waste
  • Dog and cat faeces (including cat litter)
  • Horse manure
  • Dead animals
Not accepted, for hygiene reasons. If you have a small quantity, wrap it and put it in a plastic bag in your kerbside rubbish bin.Not accepted
Pillows and duvetsNot applicableAccepted. Pillows and duvets go in the non-recyclable bin. Pillow cases and duvet covers go into the textile bins.Free
Plant potsNot applicable

Accepted at recycling centres. Ceramic pots can go in the rubble container.

Unfortunately we can't recycle plastic pots, so put them in the general waste container. You can also put them in your kerbside rubbish bin. Some garden centres will accept plant pots for reuse or recycling.


Ceramic plant pots may be accepted at reuse shops.

  • Plasterboard
  • Plaster

Accepted at Caister, Dereham, Hempton, King's Lynn, Norwich North, Norwich South and Thetford.

Plasterboard is classed as DIY waste. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance. Cost is per item or 50 litre bag.

More about DIY waste
  • Bottles
  • Toys
  • Garden furniture
  • Plant pots

Accepted. Things like toys and plant pots go in the non-recyclable container. They may be accepted at reuse shops.

We're not able to recycle rigid plastic as we need to ensure we have a secure market for the material. We are searching.

Bottles, tubs and trays can go in your kerbside recycling bin.

Plastic filmNot applicableAccepted. It goes in the non-recyclables container. Find places to recycle plastic film.Free
PolystyreneNot applicableAccepted. It goes in the non-recyclables container.Free
Powdered lime, cement, and plaster
  • Lime
  • Cement
  • Plaster 
Not accepted. Do not put in your household bin. Add some liquid to the powder to solidify it. Once fully hardened, see our advice on hardened lime, cement and plaster. Not accepted
Printer ink cartridges (including laser ink toner cartridges)Not applicableAccepted. Put them in the ink cartridges bin.Free
Roofing slatesNot applicableAcceptedFree
  • Floor and wall tiles
  • Sinks, toilets and shower trays (ceramic)
  • Bricks, concrete and concrete posts
  • Paving slabs and stones
  • Roof tiles
Accepted. Classed as DIY waste. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance. Cost is per item or per 50 litre bag.More about DIY waste
Scrap metal
  • Bikes
  • Dried out empty metal paint cans
  • Sports equipment
  • Radiators
Septic tanksNot applicableNot accepted. Anglian Water may be able to help you.Not accepted
Soil and turfNot applicableAccepted. Classed as non-recyclable DIY waste. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance.More about DIY waste
Solar Panels/Thermal Panels/Solar Heated Water PanelsNot applicableNot accepted. Contact commercial waste company for disposal options.Not accepted
Sports equipment
  • Broken non-electrical equipment
  • Electrical sports equipment
Accepted. Working items may be accepted at reuse shops.Free
Storage heatersNot applicable

Might be accepted if it does not contain asbestos.

Get help on checking if your storage heater contains asbestos.

If the storage heater contains asbestos then we cannot accept it.  Check your make and model on the Armco Asbestos Consultants website. See more information on asbestos disposal.

If it does not contain asbestos, we will accept it as DIY waste. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance.

More about DIY waste
Sweet/chocolate/biscuits tinsNot applicableAccepted. Tins go in the scrap metal container and plastic containers go in the non-recyclables container.Free
  • Clothes
  • Shoes
  • Boots
  • Curtains
  • Towels

Accepted. Put clean items in bags and place them in the textiles banks for recycling.

If the banks are full we may ask you to hold on to items until we have a collection.

Put soiled or damaged items in the non-recyclable container.

ThermometersNot applicableNot acceptedNot accepted
  • Fitted kitchen units
  • Fitted and built in furniture
  • Doors, door frames and skirting
  • Laminate flooring, floorboards and joists
  • Fence panels Wooden garden structures (sheds, walk-in pet runs, gazebos or other garden structures)
  • Decking, fencing, trellises, pergolas and arches
  • Chipboard Wood chipping
  • Pallets - except any coloured pallets, which cannot be accepted and should be returned to the supplier

Accepted. Classed as DIY waste. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance.

Railway sleepers are not accepted at any of our recycling centres. They are hazardous waste and need to be disposed of through a licenced waste disposal company.

More about DIY waste
  • Household tools (including broken)
  • Garden tools
  • DIY tools
  • Power tools
Accepted. Power tools are classed as small electrical items. Tools are not classed as DIY waste. Tools in good condition may also be accepted at reuse shops.Free
Turf/soilNot applicable

Accepted. Classed as non-recyclable DIY waste. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance.

More about DIY waste
  • Car tyres
  • Bicycle tyres

We accept car tyres for a charge at these sites: Caister, Dereham, Hempton, King's Lynn, Norwich North, Norwich South and Thetford.

We accept bicycle tyres for free at all recycling centres.

Not accepted as trade waste.

We do not accept agricultural or industrial tyres.

More about charges for vehicles and parts waste
Vehicles and parts
  • Car/vehicle batteries
  • Small quantities of small car parts
  • Child car seats
  • Caravans fixtures and fittings
  • Boats and canoes

We do not accept cars and caravans. Get a list of vehicles and parts waste that we do accept at our recycling centres.

  • Unused wallpaper
  • Used/stripped wallpaper

Accepted. Unused wallpaper goes into the cardboard container. Used/stripped wallpaper goes into the non-recyclables container.

Water filtersNot applicableAccepted. These go in the non-recyclables container. These may also be accepted at retail outlets, electrical retailers and in supermarkets.Free
Weeds (invasive)
  • Ragwort
  • Japanese knotweed
  • Giant hogweed
  • Himalayan balsam

Not accepted. Treat them where they are growing. Don't move them,to reduce the risk of them spreading.

Read government advice on invasive plants.

Not accepted
Wood (DIY waste)
  • Fitted wardrobes
  • Kitchens
  • Laminate flooring
  • Sheds
  • Pallets - except any coloured pallets, which cannot be accepted and should be returned to the supplier
  • Fence panels/posts
Accepted. Classed as DIY waste. Charges apply after the DIY waste free allowance.More about DIY waste
Wood (free standing)
  • Free standing furniture
  • Garden bench
  • Dining table
  • Chairs

Accepted at recycling centres.

May be accepted at reuse shops.

Wrapping paperNot applicable

Accepted. Paper goes into the cardboard container, or your kerbside recycling bin. Shiny or foil type paper goes into non-recyclables container or your kerbside rubbish bin.


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