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About the Local Access Forum

The Norfolk Local Access Forum (NLAF) is an independent forum of volunteers. It provides strategic advice on the improvement of public access to the countryside in Norfolk for recreation and enjoyment.

There are 22 members who are appointed by Norfolk County Council for a term of 3 years.

Members of the Forum are independent and represent those involved with access to the countryside, including landowners, users and those with conservation interests.

Improving countryside access not only creates a more joined-up and better-quality network, it also provides benefits across many sectors of society, businesses, health and the natural and historic environment.

The Forum advises a range of organisations, including Norfolk County Council as local highway authority.

As well as providing administrative support to the LAF, Norfolk County Council works in partnership with the group to improve access across the county.


  • Provides well-researched, independent advice and comment to local public bodies, including Norfolk County Council, district councils and parish councils, where their activities affect public access
  • Encourages the enjoyment and understanding of the countryside, promoting respect for those living and working on the land and acting as a bridge between different interest groups
  • Encourages enhancement and conservation of the natural environment and recognition for the role that the countryside access network plays for health and the local economy
  • Advises on wider issues that could impact on countryside access, such as funding for permissive access, budgets for footpath maintenance and resources to record paths unregistered on the definitive map
  • Reviews major planning applications that impact on the Public Rights of Way network

The NLAF's work is guided by the Norfolk Access Improvement Plan (NAIP), which sets out priorities over the next 10 years to increase public use and enjoyment of Norfolk's Public Rights of Way network.

The NLAF has set up an independent charity - Pathmakers Charitable Incorporated Organisation (charity number 1161475) - which can seek funding for access improvements. Pathmakers and the NLAF work together on their shared mission to improve countryside access in Norfolk.

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