Multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH)

This page contains information about how agencies in Norfolk work together to safeguard adults and children: if you are seeking to contact Norfolk County Council specifically with concerns about any individual's safety in Norfolk, please visit Protecting someone from harm.

The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), based at County Hall in Norwich, is a partnership of many organisations active in Norfolk working together to keep vulnerable people in the county safe.

These organisations, including local government, NHS, Police and VCSE partners, work alongside each other, share information and co-ordinate their activities. Most safeguarding partner agencies active in Norfolk support these arrangements, with the aim of identifying and addressing any risks to vulnerable children or adult swiftly.

The MASH model was endorsed in the Munro Review of Child Protection (opens new window), and The Care Act 2014 (opens new window) highlights the benefits of MASH arrangements to adult safeguarding professionals.

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