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We've produced a searchable table of some of the key reports we receive to inform our decision-making.

Most of them are presented at our regular meetings for discussion - see the page on meetings and agendas if you wish to attend one.

We work alongside the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). You can view reports discussed at the ICP on their website.

Reports to the Health and Wellbeing Board

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All Age Autism Strategy Norfolk Autism Partnership Board Update, autumn 2021 (29 September 2021) (PDF) [167KB]
Better Care Fund

Better Care Fund Adult Social Care Discharge Fund update (08 March 2023) (PDF) [173KB]

Better Care Fund 2022-2023 submission (09 November 2022) (PDF) [131KB]

Better Care Fund appendix (21 September 2022) (PDF) [108KB]

Carers Strategy

Carers Charter (PDF) [382KB]

Information update on Carers Charter (October 2018) (PDF) [243KB]

Update on developing a Carers Strategy (October 2018) (PDF) [33KB]

Carers Charter task and finish group covering report (15 October 2018) (PDF) [254KB]

Report into developing a Carers Strategy (17 July 2018) (PDF) [90KB]

Children and Young People 

Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership (30 October 2019) (PDF) [135KB]

Children's and Young people's Mental Health Services Transformation update (4 March 2020) (PDF) [145KB]

Area SEND Strategy presentation (10 July 2019) (PDF) [2MB]

SEND Strategy final draft (10 July 2019) (PDF) [1MB]

Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care 

Five Year Joint Forward Plan Report (08 March 2023) (PDF) [117KB]

Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board Annual Report (08 March 2023) (PDF) [139KB]

Clinical Commissioning Groups annual reports (28 April 2022) (PDF) [96KB]

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

System response to Covid-19 (8 July 2020) (PDF) [192KB]

Covid-19 Outbreak control plan for Norfolk (8 July 2020) (PDF) [87KB]

NHS Response to Covid-19 presentation (PDF) [175KB]

Adult Social Care Response to Covid19 presentation (PDF) [274KB]

Children's Services Response to Covid-19 presentation (PDF) [326KB]

Community resilience response for Covid-19 presentation (PDF) [703KB]

Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy lifestyles and behaviour change a systems approach (4 March 2020) (PDF) [220KB]

Healthy lifestyles and behaviour change presentation (4 March 2020) (PDF) [694KB]

HWB Governance and System Leadership

Amendments to the Health and Wellbeing Board Terms of Reference (28 April 2022) (PDF) [27KB]

Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Governance Report (29 September 2021) (PDF) [130KB]

Health and wellbeing Board Annual Governance report appendix (29 September 2021) (PDF) [128KB]

Integrated Care System Developing Norfolk and Waveney's Integrated Care System (29 September 2021) (PDF) [133KB]
Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Britain Thinks Prevention Research update (28 April 2022) (PDF) [89KB]

Delivering our Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (29 September 2021)    (PDF) [151KB]          

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Joint Strategic Needs assessment update 2022 (21 July 2022) (PDF) [141KB]
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022 (09 November 2022)

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment production update 2022 (09 November 2022) (PDF) [92KB]

Public Health

Director of Public Health Annual Report 2022 update (08 March 2023) (PDF) [137KB]

Director of Public Health Annual Report 2022 (08 March 2023) (PDF) [11MB]


Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership 2021-2022 update (09 November 2022) (PDF) [153KB]

Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report update (21 September 2022) (PDF) [133KB]

Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board report 2020 to 2021 (29 September 2021) (PDF) [168KB]

Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership report 2020 to 2021 (29 September 2021) (PDF) [161KB]

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