Further information on Better Broadband for Norfolk
Better Broadband for Norfolk (BBfN) is a publicly-funded programme. It uses public subsidy to invest in broadband infrastructure in areas that are not commercially viable for broadband infrastructure providers.
BBfN complies with both State aid rules and public sector procurement law. The following documents provide further information on BBfN in terms of State aid and contracts.
BBfN Contract 1 procurement
- Call-off Information to Tender (ITT) part 1: Norfolk introduction and instructions (PDF, 326 KB)
- Call-off ITT part 2: Norfolk requirements (PDF, 1 MB)
- Part 3: overview table (PDF, 120 KB)
- Part 3: overview table annex two (PDF, 22 KB)
- Call-off ITT part 4: Instructions for submission of financial information (PDF, 186 KB)
- Call-off ITT part 5: Data room (PDF, 151 KB)
- BBfN contract award decision (PDF, 229 KB)
- Contract 1 FOI version (PDF, 4 MB)
- Table of redactions Contract 1 (PDF, 115 KB)
BBfN Contract 2 procurement
- Call-off ITT part 1: Introductions and instructions (PDF, 627 KB)
- Call-off ITT part 2: Requirements (PDF, 1 MB)
- Call-off ITT part 2: Appendix 4, Compliance Matrix (PDF, 699 KB)
- Call-off ITT part 3: Call Off Contract (PDF, 559 KB)
- Call-off ITT part 4 Norfolk: Instructions for submission of financial information (PDF, 440 KB)
- Amended copy of Contract 2 (PDF, 13 MB)
- SEP contract sign report (PDF, 116 KB)
- State Aid public consultation (PDF, 591 KB)
- Better Broadband public consultation document (PDF, 7 MB)
- Norfolk public consultation final (PDF, 694 KB)
- Norfolk postcode list (PDF, 1 MB)
BBfN Contract 3 - procurement
- ITT part 1 (PDF, 493 KB)
- ITT part 2 (PDF, 851 KB)
- ITT part 2: Appendix 2 (PDF, 462 KB)
- ITT part 2: Appendix 2 - Tech Assessment (PDF, 169 KB)
- ITT part 2: Appendix 2 - Tech Assessment example (PDF, 765 KB)
- ITT part 2: Appendix 4 (PDF, 314 KB)
- ITT part 2: Appendix 5 (PDF, 407 KB)
- Contract 3 FOI version (PDF, 1 MB)
- Superfast Broadband Provision: Norfolk State Aid Public Consultation Outcome Report (July 2018) (Word doc, 1010 KB)
- Addendum to the Superfast Broadband Provision: Norfolk State Aid Consultation Outcome Report (July 2018) (Word doc, 15 KB)
- List of postcodes in the Norfolk Intervention Area (Excel doc, 447 KB)
- Map of coverage (Image, 295 KB)
- Public Consultation: Better Broadband for Norfolk - Tranche Three (Word doc, 1 MB)
- Open Market Review document (Word doc, 2 MB)
BBfN Contract 3 - public consultation
Webpages related to the Further information on Better Broadband for Norfolk section
Frequently asked questions
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