Caring for someone with SEND
Support for the family
Sometimes it can be difficult being a parent and you may feel that you and your family need support.
Family support process
If your child has emotional and social difficulties which are affecting their behaviour, or if you are dealing with lots of professionals and feel you need support for the whole family, you might want to start the family support process to get additional help.
Support for brothers and sisters
Having a brother or sister with SEND can be difficult. One parent explains that, 'Our disabled daughter needs so much more time than other children, meaning that our eldest daughter seems to get pushed aside. Basically having a disabled child can put major strain on all members of a family.'
Young carers can offer support for brothers and sisters.
Support with bereavement
Few life events have a greater impact on children and their families than the death of a family member or close friend. Children and young people can get help to understand what has happened and adapt to a life without their loved one.
Find bereavement support for children, young people and parents/carers.
Support with sleep
The loss of sleep over a long period of time can start to affect family life. Without enough sleep a child's ability to learn, develop and flourish can be affected and this can impact on everyone around them.
Find information about the simple steps you can take to get to sleep and how to sleep better.
SEND support groups and organisations
Many families who have a child with SEND often feel isolated. However there are local support groups and organisations, national support groups and organisations and online support groups where you meet other families and/or chat online.
SEND training and courses
Many families find SEND training and courses are very helpful. We have created an online e-learning course to help parents develop their knowledge of SEND.
SEND support events
We hold free online Making Sense of SEND events for families and share SEND events run by other organisations in Norfolk on our social media channels.