Annual review of an EHC plan
Before the annual review
What is the purpose of an annual review?
- Everyone involved in helping achieve the written outcomes in the EHCP is brought together
- Information is gathered and considered so it can be used to support future progress
- The effectiveness of any special educational, health or social care provision made for the child or young person is considered
- Any changes that need to be made to the EHCP, including medium and long term outcomes, are considered
- It will be considered whether the EHCP should continue or cease
For young people in Year 9 and above, the annual review should have a focus on preparing for adult life. Visit the preparing for adult life (PfAL) section of this website for further information.
What happens before the meeting?
The head teacher/principal (sometimes delegated to the SENCO) must:
- Send out written invitations to those invited to attend the annual review meeting stating date, time and venue
- Ask for written reports from parent carers/teachers or tutors/other people invited to the annual review meeting
- Encourage the child/young person to think about and give their views about how they think things are going, in a way that is comfortable to them individually. This could be through any appropriate method, e.g. words, pictures, symbols or video
- Encourage the child/young person to attend all or part of their annual review meeting and to have a say about how they want their annual review meeting to be organised
- Send out written reports to all of the people invited to the annual review meeting at least two weeks before the date of the meeting