Annual review of an EHC plan


If a child or young person has an education, health and care (EHC) plan, we (the local authority) must review it at least once a year.

An annual review meeting will take place. It requires everyone involved with the child or young person to come together. It will consider:

  • The progress towards achieving the outcomes written in the EHC plan
  • Whether anything has changed
  • For children under five years of age, the annual review should take place every three to six months. This is to take account of the faster pace of growth and development in early years 

A child or young person's educational setting will arrange the annual review on our (the local authority's) behalf and send out written invitations.

If there is concern about progress of a child or young person, the parent carer or the educational setting may request that the review be arranged sooner than planned.

Annual reviews should take into account the views, wishes and feelings of children, young people and parents.

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