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Disabled travel pass

Renewing your disabled travel pass

If we issued you a travel pass that is valid for four years, we will automatically renew your pass every four years. You will receive your renewed pass before your current pass expires.

We will contact you via email or letter to tell you if your four-year pass will not be renewed automatically.

If we issued you a travel pass that is valid for less than four years, you must contact us to renew it.

If your renewed travel pass gets sent to the wrong address

You must notify us and send proof of identity/address if your details or circumstances change, such as a change in address.

If you do not notify us at least four weeks before your pass is due to expire, your renewed pass may go to the wrong address. If so, you must pay £13 for us to update your details and reissue the pass to your new address.

Read more about changing your details and how to notify us.

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