Post16 transport costs 2024-25
Pay in full
Full rate - pay at the start of the year: £612
Reduced rate if you receive a qualifying benefit: £459
We will send you a travel pass, if required, to cover the whole year once we have received your payment.
For Great Yarmouth, East Coast College the full yearly cost is £306.
For Gorleston, East Norfolk Sixth Form College the full yearly cost is £372.
If you're attending both Great Yarmouth, East Coast College or Gorleston, East Norfolk Sixth Form College and you're receiving a qualifying benefit you will pay no contribution.
For students attending the College of West Anglia, King's Lynn, if you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit and are eligible under our post-16 discretionary scheme, the college will fund your contribution.
For further information about discounts please contact your college direct.
Pay in three instalments - one per term
Pay three instalments of £204 each. The first one before the beginning of the school year, the next two before the beginning of the spring and summer terms.
If you're receiving a qualifying benefit you'll pay a reduced amount of £153 per term.
Instalment amounts and when they are due
Autumn term
- Full amount: £204
- Reduced amount: £153
- To be paid before: when requested
Spring term
- Full amount: £204
- Reduced amount: £153
- To be paid before: 9 December 2024
Summer term
- Full amount: £204
- Reduced amount: £153
- To be paid before: 6 April 2025
Total amount: £612
Reduced amount: £459
If you start to use school transport after a half-term holiday, you will pay £102 (or the reduced charge of £76.50) for the rest of that term and then the full amount for the remaining term, or terms.
We will send you a new travel pass, if required, as each instalment is paid.
If you are in taxi, transport will stop if the contribution is not received.
For Great Yarmouth, East Coast College the termly cost is £102.
For Gorleston, East Norfolk Sixth Form College the termly cost is £124.
If you're attending both Great Yarmouth, East Coast College or Gorleston, East Norfolk Sixth Form College and you're receiving a qualifying benefit you will pay no contribution.
If you are not in receipt of low income you will pay our full rate, see above.
For further information about discounts please contact your college direct.
Pay in six instalments - one per half term
Pay six instalments of £102 each. The first one before the beginning of the school year or during the first half term, and the following before each half term holiday.
If you're receiving a qualifying benefit you'll pay a reduced amount of £76.50 per half term.
Instalment amounts and when they are due
Autumn 1 half term
- Full amount: £102
- Reduced amount: £76.50
- To be paid before: when requested
Autumn 2 half term
- Full amount: £102
- Reduced amount: £76.50
- To be paid before: 21 October 2024
Spring 1 half term
- Full amount: £102
- Reduced amount: £76.50
- To be paid before: 9 December 2024
Spring 2 half term
- Full amount: £102
- Reduced amount: £76.50
- To be paid before: 10 February 2025
Summer 1 half term
- Full amount: £102
- Reduced amount: £76.50
- To be paid before: 6 April 2025
Summer 2 half term
- Full amount: £102
- Reduced amount: £76.50
- To be paid before: 19 May 2025
Total amount: £612
Reduced amount: £459
We'll send you a new travel pass, if required, as each instalment is paid.
If you are in taxi transport this will stop if the contribution is not received.
For Great Yarmouth, East Coast College the half termly cost is £51.
For Gorleston, East Norfolk Sixth Form College the half termly cost is £62.
If you're attending both Great Yarmouth, East Coast College or Gorleston, East Norfolk Sixth Form College and you're receiving a qualifying benefit you will pay no contribution.
For students attending the College of West Anglia, King's Lynn, if you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit and are eligible under our post-16 discretionary scheme the college will fund your contribution.
If you are not in receipt of low income you will pay our full rate, see above.
For further information about discounts please contact the colleges direct.
Daily payer pass
On some routes covered by local bus services, instead of paying in full or in instalments, you can choose to use a daily payer pass and pay a reduced fare on the bus each time you use it.
The passes are issued for the full academic year.
The standard charge per day is £3.50.
If you're receiving a qualifying benefit you'll pay £3 per day.
At the end of each term you will be sent a renewal email or letter asking you to confirm if you wish to continue using your pass. Make sure you add to your 'safe senders list'.
You must let us know if you change your email address. If we do not hear back from you we will cancel the pass remotely and it will no longer be valid for travel. If you still need to use your pass after it's been cancelled, you need to pay a £13 replacement fee.