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Norfolk's digital inclusion strategy

Increasing digital skills

Our aim is that people:

  • Know how to get online and stay safe online
  • Avoid scams and cyber abuse
  • Are more confident using digital services as a result

It should be easy to access support in using digital devices and services. This includes signposting and referral to courses, plus face-to-face support from libraries and volunteers.

Through training, flexible learning opportunities and embedding digital skills, people should gain the skills, equipment and connectivity needed to find employment or career progession.

We also want people to enjoy the opportunities of online services such as switching services and online deals. It will also reduce social isolation by being able to connect with others online.

Strategic plan: what we will do

Digital skills opportunities

Adult Learning will provide enhanced and supported digital skills learning opportunities, targeted at Libraries, schools, the Norfolk Assistance Scheme and the voluntary, community or social enterprise (VCSE) sector. This will include implementing a simple referral pathway for staff and the VCSE sector to get people the help they need.

We aim to support 1000 Adult Learners with digital skills courses in 2 years.

Digital learning programmes

Adult Learning and Norfolk Libraries will continue to embed entry level and beyond digital learning programmes, giving people a range of opportunities to build their digital skills into their personal development journey.

We aim for 80% of those who received support to say that it was relevant to their needs.

Volunteer recruitment

We will recruit volunteers to work with Norfolk residents one-to-one to understand barriers to access and help them get online, answer their questions, connect them to support and be a trusted source of help.

We aim to recruit and train at least 100 volunteers by October 2023 (at least two per library).

Online safety

Ensure Norfolk residents, including children, can stay safe online and understand how to avoid scams, cyber abuse and exploitation.

We aim for 90% of those who receive a device to take part in some form of wider skills development to stay safe online.

Norfolk Libraries offer

Continue and build on our libraries offer to engage residents in digital services. For example, coding clubs, get online groups and friendship brokerage using online communication tools to support residents' tentative steps into digital inclusion. Those who receive a loan device and connectivity will automatically receive information and advice on how to stay safe online.
We aim for 80% of those who attend an event to say it has inspired them to learn more.

Voluntary sector support

Provide support to the voluntary sector to deliver their services online. Offer loan or refreshed devices to help them support their clients and enable them to benefit from NCC economies of scale relating to licence procurement and advice.

We aim for 80% of relevant voluntary, community or social enterprise (VCSE) organisations to feel they are supported by NCC to deliver their services online.

Accessible web content

Ensure that our digital web content is accessible regardless of people's ability, disability, literacy skills or whether English is their first language. Managers and staff understand their responsibilities to provide accessible digital and web offers to ensure that residents with disabilities are not excluded from accessing information.

This target is under development.

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