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The Charging Reference Group

In Spring 2021, Adult Social Services began a process of engagement with autistic people and representatives of the disabled community.

As part of this, we invited an independent Charging Reference Group of disabled and autistic people and family carers to help steer this work.

The Reference Group identified two priorities:

  • To gather stories of people's lived experience that could help Norfolk County Council learn
  • To make improvements to the system of Disability Related Expenditure

Following the introduction of an independent facilitator and independent chair for the group, its focus changed from October 2022. This focus is on the consultation preparing for Social Care Reform. They have three main areas they are collaborating on:

  • What needs to be in the Charging Policy?
  • How do Assessment and Support Planning operate?
  • To engage creatively with Councillors

The group consists of:

  • Carers Voice
  • Disability Network Norfolk Group
  • Equal Lives
  • Family Voice Norfolk
  • Healthwatch Norfolk
  • Making it Real

The independent chair is Alison Donald and the independent facilitator is Esmee Wilcox. 

The group meets every six weeks. There are also small workshop meetings. These focus on the target areas and report back to the larger Reference Group Meeting.

To contact this group, email