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Coalition for Change

The group intends to support, influence and challenge policymakers and commissioners. This is on the standard and type of services available to individuals with learning disabilities and/or autism, who are also described as exhibiting 'behaviours that challenge'.

Where possible, the group promotes access to community support and services. This is rather than admission to hospital settings.

The group was set up after the Cawston Park Safeguarding Adults Review in September 2022. It's co-funded by NCC and NHS Norfolk and Waveney and its host is the Norfolk Safeguarding Adult Board.

The group consists of:

  • Local and national professionals from the statutory, voluntary and private sectors
  • Family and carers of individuals with learning disabilities and/or autism who are also described as exhibiting 'behaviours that challenge'
  • People with lived experience of in-patient settings and services pending recruitment happening later in the year

It meets every six weeks and its Chair is Sarah Stock, managing director of Independence Matters.