Outline business case submission
The outline business case was submitted to the Department for Transport (DfT) in January 2021.
- Appendix A - Long Stratton Bypass options technical note (PDF) [2MB]
- Appendix B - Long Stratton Bypass data collection report (PDF) [869KB]
- Appendix C - Long Stratton Bypass LMVR (PDF) [6MB]
- Appendix D - Long Stratton Bypass forecasting report (PDF) [22MB]
- Appendix E - Cost proforma (Excel doc) [28KB]
- Appendix F - Economic appraisal report (PDF) [2MB]
- Appendix G - Environmental impact appraisal (PDF) [2MB]
- Appendix G - Accompanying TAG worksheets
- Appendix I - Appraisal summary table (AST) (Excel doc) [45KB]
- Appendix J - Construction cost schedule (Excel doc) [1MB]
- Appendix K - Section 151 officer declaration (PDF) [25KB]
- Appendix L - Schedule programme (PDF) [624KB]
- Appendix M - Communication strategy (PDF) [176KB]
- Appendix N - Letters of support (redacted) (PDF) [3MB]
- Appendix O - Risk register (Excel doc) [17MB]
Economic appraisal tables
- AMCB option A core scenario (Excel doc) [20KB]
- AMCB table high growth option A (Excel doc) [21KB]
- AMCB table low growth option A (Excel doc) [21KB]
- AMCB table option A OBR sensitivity (Excel doc) [21KB]
- PA table option A core scenario (Excel doc) [22KB]
- PA table high growth option A (Excel doc) [21KB]
- PA table low growth option A (Excel doc) [21KB]
- PA table option A OBR sensitivity (Excel doc) [21KB]
- TEE option A core scenario (Excel doc) [27KB]
- TEE table high growth option A (Excel doc) [27KB]
- TEE table low growth option A (Excel doc) [27KB]
- TEE table option A OBR sensitivity (Excel doc) [27KB]
- AMCB option B (Excel doc) [22KB]
- PA table option B (Excel doc) [21KB]
- TEE table option B (Excel doc) [27KB]
- AMCB option C (Excel doc) [21KB]
- PA table option C (Excel doc) [23KB]
- TEE table option C (Excel doc) [27KB]
Other documents included in the Long Stratton Bypass outline business case submission can be provided on request – please email longstratton@norfolk.gov.uk.