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Start for Life offer for 0-2-year-olds


The Start for Life offer provides support to parents and carers from a child's conception until their second birthday.

The first 1,001 days from conception up to the age of two are a critical time in the development of your baby and child's life.   

Our Start for Life vision

Our vision for Norfolk has been developed by working with services, parents and carers.

"All babies, children and families are supported and empowered to have a healthy, happy and safe start for life, ensuring they Flourish before birth and beyond."

Learn more about our Flourish ambition for Norfolk.

Key Start for Life services:

  • Midwifery services
  • Health visiting services
  • Infant feeding support
  • Parental mental health support and parent infant relationship support
  • Parenting support

All these services are available in Norfolk for parent and carers-to-be, and if you have a child under two-years-old.

The Start for Life offer is part of the new family hubs approach for children, young people and families across Norfolk.

What we mean by 'parents and carers'

'Parents and carers' includes everyone who looks after, loves and supports the growth of babies and children.

This includes:

  • Mothers and fathers
  • Same sex parents and carers
  • Partners. This could be a spouse or civil partner (including same sex partners), co-parents, or a secondary adoptive parent having a child through surrogacy
  • Wider family
  • Kinship carers
  • Adoptive and foster parents
  • Young parents
  • Single parents

Services in surrounding areas



During pregnancy, you or your partner will see a small number of healthcare professionals, led by a midwife. There are three midwifery teams in Norfolk:

  • Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH)
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn (QEHKL)
  • James Paget University Hospital (JPUH).

In the lead up to the birth of your baby, you and your family will get information on your birthing options. You can talk to your midwife about these.

You will be offered support, advice and guidance throughout your pregnancy about how you can look after yourself, your baby and how to prepare for the birth. Dads bodies and minds can also change during this time. Read information about becoming a dad.

Visit Just One Norfolk website for:

Physical health

Pregnancy and childbirth can cause changes to your body and emotional wellbeing.

For mums, you may need support to help with your body's post-pregnancy recovery. Your health visitor will be able to provide advice. They can also give guidance on when you may need to seek further medical support from your GP.

Visit Just One Norfolk website for advice and guidance on pelvic health and recovery after pregnancy and parental health and wellbeing.

Being as physically healthy as possible is also important for dads and other carers. Visit Ready to Change to get information and support on health issues such as weight and smoking.

Your health visitor, pharmacists, the 111 service and your GP can provide advice and guidance on your baby's physical health.

Birth to two-years-old

Birth registration

Within 42 days of your baby being born, you need to register baby's birth.

Health visiting services

The Cambridgeshire Community Services' Healthy Child Programme (HCP) provides health visiting services in Norfolk. The team supports you and your family after your baby is born.

Contact health visiting services - Just One Number and Parentline

Health visitor checks

Between conception and the age of two, you and your family will receive at least four health visiting led checks. The service will invite you to:

GP health check

When your baby is six to eight-weeks-old, your GP will invite you with your baby for a physical health examination. They will also check parents' health and wellbeing. This is an opportunity to discuss any physical or emotional health needs you or your family may have.


Your baby will receive vaccinations during their first two years of their life. Your GP will give these.

Infant feeding support

The Start for Life offer supports feeding your baby from conception, to birth and beyond.

Every maternity unit has trained staff and will supply information on infant feeding after birth.

Infant feeding support continues during your child's first two years as you start to introduce new food.

Norfolk Breast Pump Loan Service

All parents have the choice to decide whether to breastfeed or not. The Norfolk Breast Pump Loan Service is here to support those who choose to breastfeed.

Norfolk Breast Pump Loan Service includes:

  • A breast pump - to be used to express your own milk
  • Support and information - you will be provided with all the information you need to use the pump
  • Hospital grade electric double pumps - that are sterilised between loans.

Pump access is free and available for an initial 6 week period, to all breastfeeding parents who need it.

To get access to a loan pump, use the following contact details:

  • Norwich and Norfolk University Hospital - Speak to your midwife or CALLEEAST (medicom) on 01603 481222.
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Speak to your Community Midwife, call 01553 613710 and ask for the Infant Feeding Team or email
  • James Paget University Hospital - Contact your Community Midwife, call 01493 453076 or email
  • Healthy Child Services (HCS) - Ask your Health Visitor or call JON 0300 300 0123.

Teeth and toothbrushing

It is important to start toothbrushing when your baby is beginning to have solid food, Your baby is likely to have their first tooth at around six-months-old.

Get advice and guidance on teeth and toothbrushing.

Parental mental health and parent infant relationship support

Support during pregnancy and after birth

The health and emotional wellbeing of you and your family is particularly important in the Start for Life period. It can affect your emotional wellbeing and this is common. Some parents and carers struggle to bond with their baby.    

There is support and information available to help you. It is important to talk about how you are feeling and get the support you need.

  • Discuss any emotional wellbeing needs with your midwife, health visitor or other health and care professional at any point. This can be at any one of your appointments, through Just One Number or at your GP surgery.
  • Visit Just One Norfolk website for information on parental and carer emotional health
  • You can self-refer to NHS Wellbeing Service for help with low mood, depression or stress
  • If you need specialist mental health support speak to your GP about a referral

Parenting support

Being a parent or carer does not come with a manual. We want getting parenting support to become as normal as getting advice for any other health and wellbeing issue.

Parenting support is available online and in-person from during pregnancy. You can discuss the local support available with your midwife.

Parenting courses

Support for young parents

If you are a parent or carer under 20-years-old, the Healthy Child Programme provides dedicated support. Support starts during pregnancy. The programme will help you understand your baby's needs and development, and how to build a positive relationship with your child. The team will also support you with your own health, wellbeing and aspirations for the future. 

The Mancroft Advice Project (MAP) can also support young parents under 25-years-old.

Early Childhood and Family Service

All parents and carers can access Early Childhood Family Service (ECFS) services and activities. The service offers:

  • Online information sessions for parents
  • Free stay-and-play sessions for children aged 0-5-years-old
  • Help for families with extra support needs

Library services

All parents, carers and children are welcome in Norfolk libraries. Your local library provides books and support on parenting, child development and emotional health and wellbeing. Libraries offer activities and groups, which may include:

  • Free bounce and rhyme sessions
  • Story Explorers - a reading club for children aged 0-5-years-old
  • Breastfeeding support groups

There are also breast-feeding friendly areas and self-weigh stations.

Groups and activities for parents and children

Groups and activities are a good way to meet other families with children of the same age and share experiences. 

Search for groups and activities in your local area in the Norfolk Community Directory.

There are dad-specific groups for fathers of babies and toddlers.

You can also join an online parent community. The Ask Norfolk Parents Community Forum is part of the Healthy Child Programme. 

Support for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

A baby might have difficulties or delays which affect their developmental progress. Or they might have an identified disability.

If at any point during the first two years of your child's life, you have concerns about their development, discuss this with your health visitor.

Visit Norfolk's SEND Local Offer for services and support for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Portage is a free home-based visiting educational service for children aged 0-5-years-old with SEND. Your health visitor can refer you if you need this support.  

Parents or carers may also have more support needs. Make sure you discuss these with any health, care or other services that help you, so they can support you in your parenting.

Healthy Start scheme 

If you are pregnant or your child is under four-years-old, you may be eligible for help to buy milk, fruit and vegetables, and vitamins. Learn more about the Healthy Start scheme.


Families want their children to have happy and healthy childhoods. Sometimes they need more support to do this.

We all have a duty to protect children and vulnerable adults. The services and professionals delivering the Norfolk Start for Life offer, will provide appropriate and effective safeguarding. They will follow safeguarding policies and procedures.

Further information

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