Infant Feeding Friendly Norfolk

About the Infant Feeding Friendly scheme

The Infant Feeding Friendly Norfolk scheme recognises that every family should feel welcomed and supported to feed their infant in public:

  • At anytime and anywhere
  • In whichever way they choose

Why we started the scheme

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that babies are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life. This is because it provides significant health benefits for both mother and baby.

The UK has some of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world. Public Health England has recorded the following data:

  • 74% of mothers start to breastfeed
  • 44% are breastfeeding at 6 weeks
  • 36% are breastfeeding at 6 months
  • Only 1% of babies are exclusively breastfed until they are 6 months old

By law, women have the right to breastfeed their baby in any public place. Despite this, many women feel nervous about feeding when they're out and about. They don't always receive the support from others to feed with confidence. 

No matter which feeding method(s) a family uses, getting out and about with a baby can be a daunting task. We want all parents with infants to feel able and comfortable to visit venues in Norfolk. By parents we mean mums, dads, and carers.

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