Start for Life offer for 0-2-year-olds

Birth to two-years-old

Birth registration

Within 42 days of your baby being born, you need to register baby's birth.

Health visiting services

The Cambridgeshire Community Services' Healthy Child Programme (HCP) provides health visiting services in Norfolk. The team supports you and your family after your baby is born.

Contact health visiting services - Just One Number and Parentline

Health visitor checks

Between conception and the age of two, you and your family will receive at least four health visiting led checks. The service will invite you to:

GP health check

When your baby is six to eight-weeks-old, your GP will invite you with your baby for a physical health examination. They will also check parents' health and wellbeing. This is an opportunity to discuss any physical or emotional health needs you or your family may have.


Your baby will receive vaccinations during their first two years of their life. Your GP will give these.

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