Start for Life offer for 0-2-year-olds

Parenting support

Being a parent or carer does not come with a manual. We want getting parenting support to become as normal as getting advice for any other health and wellbeing issue.

Parenting support is available online and in-person from during pregnancy. You can discuss the local support available with your midwife.

Parenting courses

Support for young parents

If you are a parent or carer under 20-years-old, the Healthy Child Programme provides dedicated support. Support starts during pregnancy. The programme will help you understand your baby's needs and development, and how to build a positive relationship with your child. The team will also support you with your own health, wellbeing and aspirations for the future. 

The Mancroft Advice Project (MAP) can also support young parents under 25-years-old.

Early Childhood and Family Service

All parents and carers can access Early Childhood Family Service (ECFS) services and activities. The service offers:

  • Online information sessions for parents
  • Free stay-and-play sessions for children aged 0-5-years-old
  • Help for families with extra support needs

Library services

All parents, carers and children are welcome in Norfolk libraries. Your local library provides books and support on parenting, child development and emotional health and wellbeing. Libraries offer activities and groups, which may include:

  • Free bounce and rhyme sessions
  • Story Explorers - a reading club for children aged 0-5-years-old
  • Breastfeeding support groups

There are also breast-feeding friendly areas and self-weigh stations.

Groups and activities for parents and children

Groups and activities are a good way to meet other families with children of the same age and share experiences. 

Search for groups and activities in your local area in the Norfolk Community Directory.

There are dad-specific groups for fathers of babies and toddlers.

You can also join an online parent community. The Ask Norfolk Parents Community Forum is part of the Healthy Child Programme. 

Support for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

A baby might have difficulties or delays which affect their developmental progress. Or they might have an identified disability.

If at any point during the first two years of your child's life, you have concerns about their development, discuss this with your health visitor.

Visit Norfolk's SEND Local Offer for services and support for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Portage is a free home-based visiting educational service for children aged 0-5-years-old with SEND. Your health visitor can refer you if you need this support.  

Parents or carers may also have more support needs. Make sure you discuss these with any health, care or other services that help you, so they can support you in your parenting.

Healthy Start scheme 

If you are pregnant or your child is under four-years-old, you may be eligible for help to buy milk, fruit and vegetables, and vitamins. Learn more about the Healthy Start scheme.

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